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Ali sat in the president's chair with her knees to her chest. She cried softly into her thighs. Jax, Tig, Chibs, and Kip walked into the room.

"Why me?" She asked with a broken voice that almost made all four of the men cry.

"What are you gonna do?" Chibs asked.

"Ignore him," she still spoke in the voice that broke all their hearts. "I can't look at him, that just—" She stopped talking and buried her face in her legs.

"I hate seeing you like this," Kip said, sitting beside her on the seat. She immediately laid into him and he put his arms around her. "You can stay—"

"At my house," Jax interrupted. "You'll stay with me."

"Fine," she croaked out and stood up. "I'm going outside."

As she walked to the bar, the four guys followed her. She saw Juice sitting at the bar alone, since everyone was told to leave.

"Ali," he begged as he got up and walked over to her. She took a step and he grabbed her forearm. "For fuck's sake, just fucking listen to me!"

She whipped around and used all of her body to slap him in the face. Juice held his cheek as he slightly crouched over. "Don't touch me like that ever again."

"Get out," Juice told the guys. they stared at him like he was crazy. "Get out." He ordered.

"Go," Ali said softly. "Please." They shrugged and obliged, walking cautiously out of the clubhouse door. Alison sat on the pool table quietly.

"Now you'll listen to me," he stated and he walked over and pushed himself between her thighs. He was closer to her and he didn't have to scream.

"No, you can listen to me," she said sternly. "You fucked her, Juice—" He was about to object wen she raised her voice. "And I fucking saw it. So don't say otherwise!"

He put his hand over her mouth and pulled her into him, "You know I love you, right?" He muttered. Ali looked away from him causing Juice to let out an annoyed sigh. "Look at me." When she refused and ignored his request, he freaked. "Look at me!"

She shoved him away, "You seem pretty fucking sober to me, Ortiz."

"Are you blind?!" Juice yelled. The four guys quietly made their way back into the clubhouse.

"Apparently so," Ali retorted. "You look fine to me."

"Cause he is," Kip said.

"You need to piss off," Juice snapped, looking at Half-Sack. "This is not your argument."

"Go to hell, you broke her heart! You're supposed to be her companion, not— not whatever the hell we should call you now."

"Fuck you." He rolled his eyes. Ali jumped off the table and walked out of the clubhouse in effort to make sure her cheating husband didn't see her crying.

"Alison," Jax said as he walked behind her. She stopped and started crying. The sound was heartbreaking to Jackson. He hugged her and she buried her face in his shirt.

"I want Elijah," she cried. "I want my baby."

"I know you do, Ali, calm down, please."

"I want to be like I used to be; I want to be carefree. Ivwant to be a family." She squeaked out.

"Ali, we are a family," he turned her to see majority of the club in TM and scattered across the parking lot. "Don't you see?"

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