chapter 1

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// Saiki's POV //

"Hi buddy!"said Nendo, the only person whose mind i can't read. "Wanna get some ramen?"

"No we don't! You're always talking about ramen. Why don't we ever go somewhere else?" Kaidou argued with Nendo." Plus if we go to the same place over and over Dark Reunion will be there to catch us one time!"

"I'm sorry Nendo but i think i'll side with Kaidou with on this one. A cafe is a better place than the dirty ramen place you usually like."

"Ok, but you have to pay this time" agreed Nendo

"Like you ever do..." Kaidou mumbled, a bit happy that saiki was on the same page as him

// time skip brought to you by saiki's love for coffee jelly //

The way to the cafe was pretty long and really busy so while we walked Kaidou was rambling about Dark Reunion and his "powers".

"I am sooo strong i could lift an old tv when i was only 6 months old!" No Kaidou, that's me. "And if i wanted i could have destroyed the moon when i was only 5 years old!" That also is me.

"Then why couldn't you lift even 5 kilograms at the last fittness test?" Asked Nendo , genuinly confused.

"I-i was h-holding back! I-i didn't want Dark Reunion to catch on what school i go to" the blue haired boy quickly replied, surprized by the observence of his friend.

"U-huh i belive you" said Nendo, being extremly smart today

There were so many people around us, so when i first entered the coffee shop i didn't notice Teruhashi sitting at a table with Yumehara and Chisato

Yare yare



This is my first story (there just isnt enought of this ship)
In case you didnt read the description i am writing this on a phone so there might be gramatical errors
If you see any just tell me in the comments and i will fix this

The next chapter will be longer and please tell me if you have any sugestions

If its a bit confusing here you go:


Italic=the thoughts of a person

"Italic"=what saiki says telepathicly

"Normal"= what a person says


**COMPLETED** Inexplicably Kind || Saiki x Kaidou || bxbOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant