The Accident

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'Come on, Haz, please! Just one episode!' Niall begged his roommate, shutting the lid of Harry's laptop.

'I said no, Niall, I have so much work to do for Hendrick's class.' Harry said, shoving the blonde away and opening his laptop.

'Puh-leeeeeese?' Niall groaned, dramatically throwing himself on the floor. 'I'm so bored!'

'Go watch it by yourself then. I don't have time for your trash TV.' Harry said, gently kicking Niall from where he was sat at his desk.

'Desperate Housewives is not trash!' Niall gasped, offended.

'Don't you have work to do too?' Harry asked, knowing full well that the Irish boy had a fairly heavy workload.

'Yeah, but it's all overdue anyway, may as well not bother.'

Harry rolled his eyes and continued typing his essay, ignoring Niall's annoying questions, such as 'is mayonnaise an instrument?'

'Niall! Go answer your phone, it's ringing.' Harry said, annoyed that his concentration had been broken.

Niall sauntered out of the room and returned a moment later, holding Harry's phone.

'It was yours, dingbat. It's Gems.' Niall said, handing Harry his phone.

'Hiya, Gem, can I call you back a bit later?' Harry said, continuing to type out the conclusion of his essay.

'Um, I'm really sorry, Haz, but can you come pick me up? I'm at a party and my ride ditched me and I've had a few drinks. I called mum but she didn't pick up, she had chemo today so she's probably asleep already.'

Harry sighed and chewed his lip. He really needed to get his essay finished, but he couldn't just leave Gemma stranded, even if she had done the same to him multiple times before.

'Please, Haz?'

'Yeah, okay, text me your location and I'll be there soon.'

Harry hung up with a sigh and went to his cupboard to grab a coat and shoes.

'Where you off to?' Niall asked, popping his head in Harry's doorway.

'Gem needs a ride home, her friends ditched her. Wanna come?'

'Nah, the housewives are yelling at each other again. Bring me back a cheeseburger though if you go past McDonalds.'

'Fine, but I'm taking your car.' Harry said, grabbing the keys to Niall's beloved car.

'One scratch on Ruth and you're dead, Styles.' Niall warned.
'Thank you so much, Harry, I'm so sorry I pulled you away from your work.' Gemma said as she climbed into the passenger seat of Niall's car.

'Ah, it's alright, I needed an excuse for a break anyway. How's my favourite sister?'

'Good, just pissed off at her friends.' Gemma said with a laugh.

'I'm sure they didn't mean any harm. Want anything?' Harry asked as he pulled into the McDonalds drive through.

'Nah, I'm alright. Niall's calling you though.' Gemma said, holding up Harry's phone.

'That little shit. Answer it and put it on Bluetooth for me, will you love?' Harry asked, parking behind the car ahead of them.

'Hello? Have you gone to McDonalds yet?' Niall asked.

'I'm in the drive through right now, you little shit.'

'Can you get me some nuggets too?'

'Fucking hell, Niall. Yes, I'll get you nuggets. But if I get home and you haven't started your essay, I'm flushing them down the toilet.' Harry threatened. After living with Niall for a year, he knew how to convince the boy to do his schoolwork.

Harry hung up and placed the order, collecting it at the next window. A tattoo covered arm handed him a brown paper bag full of the greasy food. Harry thanked the worker and drove off, pulling up at the red light just outside of the McDonalds.

'That McDonald's worker was cute.' Gemma commented.

'Was he? I didn't even look at his face. Just saw his arms. A lot of tattoos, eh?'

'Yeah, he must have some dodgy ones, though, he had the word 'oops' on his forearm.' Gemma laughed.

The light turned green and Harry drove forward. He didn't see the car racing through the intersection until Gemma screamed 'Harry! Watch out!'

Harry turned his head and caught a brief glimpse of the car rushing towards the drivers side of the car before everything went black.

Hey guys! This story came from a chapter on one of my other books, please go check it out. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Xx

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