Ongoing Halls

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                                                                                        chapter 2

"I made it!" I breached to Cole.

 "Yeah, I can see that. I'm surprised you ran" he said in that one annoying tone.

 The one that all little siblings speak in.  As We stepped up on the bus I could hear everything. Normally the bus isn't "loud" in the mornings, but when I tell you my head started SPINNING.  My brother sat up front, and I walked to the back. There's only a few high schoolers that ride the bus with me, one of them is Lana Fredrick. She is one of my good friends, but we kinda drifted over the summer.  I sat in the seat beside her's.

 "hey". I said. "OMG hey!!, How have you been?!" She asked. 

I was surprised she actually responded. " Pretty good, How about you?!" I asked.

  "I've been great!! Cheer is going really good for me this year!" She said with a smile.

 "That's really good!! I'm happy for you!!" I responded with the same energy.

 "I like you're outfit! Where did you get it?!?" She asked.

 I felt as if she didn't mean the words she had just said, But that's just my train of thought. I overthink sometimes.  " oh this?... haha I got it off Amazon!! " I said.

 "Oh, That's great!" She said with a lowered tone. 

(At least it sounded that way, the bus was really loud). It got quiet as the bus ride continued. Me and Lana talked half the bus ride, and I felt like she had changed. I felt as if she were hiding herself, But she was still the sweet person I knew before. I was happy to get to know her more, and get in touch.

 "Heyooooo" said Cole. 

" Cole! You're gonna get in trouble! you're supposed to set up front!" I yelled in a whispering type voice ,so the bus driver (Tom) couldn't hear me. 

"Do you really think that old bat will see me?!" He remarked. 

" Lana giggled. "What are ya'll up too?" He Asked. 

"Just talking" I replied. 

"Oh, Yens are boring" He said and snuck back up to the front. 

"  He's a spicy one, isn't he?" lana assumed.

 "Indeed" I said.

 The bus ride soon came to an end and we arrived at the building that in my opinion could be described as "prison of reality". I can see how private school kids are saints. Us public school kids have to grow up too soon. Public schools hit kids with the HARSH reality before we even get to see the good in things. I remember being in 6th grade, and the school had an un-announced lock down. This scared the living bajesus out of all of us. We didn't know that it was a "drill". We thought we we're gonna die, get shot, be done for! 

One girl had an anxiety attack, and we all had texted our parents we loved them. Public school throws problems at us, but it gets us prepared for how reality will treat us in the future.

  "How are you doing today?" My art teacher asked when i walked in the door. 

"perdy good, how about you?" I replied with a smile. 

" good! " she responded with a grin .

 My art teacher (Mrs. Jordan) is one of the sweetest people in the school. When she asked me how I was doing I knew that she actually wanted to know. Some people ask me how I am doing, and I know they don't actually want to know. They just want to talk to someone because their "bored". That's what gets me. As I walked down the hall I seen my BEST FRIEND! Delaina Jean!! 

"Hayyy!" I said walking up next to her. 

"Heyyyy!! Oh my lord. I gotta pee, come with me and make sure no one steels me!" She said laughing.

 "okay haha" I replied.

  I walked in the bathroom knowing I didn't have to use it. I didn't want to have anxiety ,so i just walked into a stall. I stood there for a couple minutes, and looked at all the things written on the walls. "Jenna is a rat" said one of the writings. "Kesha is a little oversized" said another. I thought to myself " why would anyone say such rude stuff about one another?" " Why discriminate other peoples bodies?".  

"LILLY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!?!" Delaina yelled.

 I opened the stall door, with my eyes wide. "Nope i'm here".

 "Okay haha just making sure no one stole you" She remarked. 

We realized the bell was about to ring , so we ran to our separate class rooms. To me every class is almost the same. Yes, they are different subjects. But they all kinda have the same meaning. We set in a classroom, learn, get told what to do,and at some points get discriminated... for what? Or future jobs? The economy?  I don't know. 

Some school days can be hard. Sometimes I just want to give up, but I cant. I know that i'm stronger than giving up, So I smile.  I try to see the greater good. I know things could be worse, So I don't take anything for granted. Yes, this world can be crule! But if you can see the brighter side of things, you could change it. You have the power to move mountains. I want the world my little brother is going to grow up in, to be like it used to be. Not writing sick things on a bathroom stall to make other people feel bad of themselves. 

 **RING RING!! The last bell went off. "Schools over already?!" I thought to myself. I gathered my scratched up binder, and my worn out notebook and put them in my backpack. I was the first bus run so when they called for group one to go I was free. "I hope you all have had a great day!!Tomorrow we are having hot dogs, and tater tots!! Group one is dismissed" The office lady said over the intercom. 

EWWW schools hot dogs!! I know I just said that I try to look for the greater good in things, but there is no bright side about their hot dogs.They are LITERALLY GREY. I think they just freeze the leftovers, and boil the oldest ones for ATLEAST 6 hours. Just because they SWEAT. I grabbed my backpack, and headed out. I tried to get through the crowd as gentle as possible. Unlike most of the boys who ruff house with each other. 

The halls were painted grey. I thought it was fitting, but as I continued to pace in the ongoing halls I seen the bus. The bright musty yellow hit my eyesight and I smiled... Just because the bus was yellow. Its the little things you have to look for. 

Brighter Outlookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن