chapter | 07

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──────L U D I C R O U S [ chapter 7 • the wiggies ]──────

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[ chapter 7 • the wiggies ]

THE BELL FOR my last class of the day rang, telling us all that school was finally over. I didn't think Wednesday could take so long to come to an end, but today it did.

I along with the rest of the students packed up my things as quickly as possible. I swung my bag over my shoulder, practically flying out of the classroom. Maneuvering my way down the halls I passed all the students who happened to be also rushing to get to their lockers. I came to a stop at my locker and popped it opened. I put away whatever was unnecessary and grabbed the things I needed, turning to shove my folders into my bag.

"Mr. Hall can eat shit!" shouts Bella, slamming my locker shut causing me to jump in surprise and drop a notebook.

Reaching down to grab my notebook, I quickly stuff it into my bag before turning my attention back to Bella. "What happened?"

The tall, curly-haired Latina holds out a handful of papers in front of my face. My eyes narrowed at the big, red F on her paper. "A 45 on my essay. What type of bullshit is that?"

"Hey, at least you got a fantastic," I grin at her. She sends me a glare, folding the paper and stuffing it away into her bag. "What did you get?" She questions leaning against my locker.

"Didn't get it. He said he was up late last night grading your classes, which is fine by me." I shrug, slinging the straps of my bag onto my shoulders. "What did you even write about?"

She clicks her tongue in thought, "I wrote about my dream job, about becoming a wealthy stripper with you and Mirela." She says, "It was pretty detailed and one of my best works."

"That paper deserves an A," I state matter-of-factly.

"My exact words!" She yells, throwing her hands in the air. "But apparently it's too inappropriate for school."

"I mean he had to like it if you got a 45," I said. "Where's Mirela?"

"Drooling over your brother at soccer practice," Bella smirks at me. I crinkle my nose up in disgust, "That's disgustang."

Bella hums in response, "Tell me about it, she was talking about him through all of last period. She's gone mental."

"Maybe I should hit her in the head so she can come to her senses," I remark, beginning to walk down the hall with Bella by my side. "Wanna head over to the bakery then back to the field to watch the boys?"

"Yeah," She answers.

I dig into the back pockets of my ripped mom jeans, taking my phone out. Pressing Mirela contact, I wait until she accepts the FaceTime call. I watch as her face fills my screen and she's smiling from ear to ear, "Hola perra," I say grinning at her, Bella snorts beside me.

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