Sad girl...

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Ever since I was 15, I've been saving up to move out from Kristen's home when I'm 18. It's been 2years now, I work at two places, try very hard to ace my grades with straight A's to get a scholarship when I get to college and live life. But my dreams shattered in my face after I found out I'm pregnant.

When the fire is burning, adding petroleum isn't an option, but in someways I slipped and made the biggest mistake of my life.

This wouldn't have happened if Sara didn't suggest we go to her sisters friends party, well her sister is 24, and we are only 17, we let curiosity take the best of us. But more like curiosity take the best of me, worst to be precise!

I lost my virginity to a guy I met at the party, and he's literally 8years older than me.. I've planned all my self to move out from Kristen's, already planned after my birthday with Atleast 5days before I go off to college with Sara. But no, Kristen threw me out her house when I told her I was pregnant, I packed all I had, I couldn't go to Sara cause she's at her mothers. Her parents are divorced, besides even If I was to go to Sara, I have no idea where her mother lives.
Now I'm in the street standing.. It's only like few weeks to prom then graduation. Then after summer go off to college..
I'm just crying, not knowing what to do, and there's no way abortion is an option, I don't want my first child to go through what I went through.. Well my mother, made a big mistake giving me up, but nobody is above mistake. After all, she lived a luxurious life, because I know who my real mother is and she have no idea who I am. Dana who really adopted me because I remind her of how she and her husband planned on their first child, but unfortunately he died at a car accident, she later on adopted me, after 12 years she died of heart attack, after all she never got over her husband, so her sister Kristen took me in, she hates me, she even once thought I slept with her husband, like no, she doesn't trust her husband, but I'm not a slut, apparently my condition as of now, says rather.

"Hey" I heard a deep masculine voice say over me, someone talking to you on the streets is not good, especially when you're crying, and you're literal tomato colored right now.

I turned around looking At who's talking to me, it's a guy, tall, long dark blonde hair, quite buff.
Hi, I said.

He keeps looking at me as if he's trying to remember where he knows me from.

He sure does look familiar to my eyes as well.

Wait, he seems like my baby daddy, I keep trying to remember the guy I slept with fully to be sure he's the one.
I was deep in thoughts trying to remember when the sound of his voice go on in the background, I didn't clearly listen to him and I said "sorry pardon me , have we met?

Yes, you were at Eva's party right,

Trying to remember who Eva is, I'm sure I've heard the name before, sorry who is Eva?

Eva Salvatore?

It clicked me, Eva , Sara's sisters friend.

Yess, and you're the guy I slept with.. I thought,

What are you doing out here, crying? He asked with a bubble of concern in his tone.

I'm crying out here if only you hadn't flirted with me and made me take some shots and seduce me to sleeping with you I wouldn't be pregnant, not being pregnant resulting to me going with what I've planned for like the last 5years I've lived in hell.. Well I thought.

I just smiled, then he went to the side bench and took a sit next to me, and asked again "what's wrong"?

There's no other way to say this, and I really need to tell someone that will comfort me, and the only person who i know who will comfort me and tell me it'll be alright is Sara, but I've been calling like 20times no pick-ups.
So I thought more if I tell him, will he make things worse? Or will he act like a part-time Sara ?
Before I knew It, I zoned out, deep in thoughts. He snapped a finger to my face.

Hey, he said again.

My Foster mother threw me out cause I'm pregnant. I blurted out.

I expected silence, what I didn't expect is him being totally calm about it and asking "am I responsible"?

I shook my head, well, I thought things will go smooth but not too smooth, oh wait, let me stop jumping to conclusions.

Do you have a place to stay?

If I had, I wouldn't be crying in the streets.

Do you want to stay over at my place, after all, I'm responsible for this. And you really need some real rest, come on I live few blocks from here.

By the way, my name is Leo, Leonard Salvatore.
As In Salvatore? Salvatore Inc.?
As a matter of fact, yes!


How old are you? I asked
I'm 20

20? What were you doing at that party?

Well if you hadn't realize Eva is my sister.


We walked a few blocks until he told me this is it.

Hey I never learnt your name. He said

That's cause I never taught you.

Well can you teach me now? He said with a slight not bad looking smirk.


Don't you think since you're living with me now, and I'm the father of the child you're carrying in you, I deserve to know your name?

Oh yes, you're right. You sure do deserve but I like good games? Take a guess.

A clue?

Categorized at the same category of diamond, gold and ish..

He clenched his jaw and said in between bites in his teeth and said. I give up.

Silver, the name is Silver.

Hmmm, silver, I love.

Thanks. I blushed quirkily.

Well, clearly, you're as special as your name.

I keep blushing and he keeps complimenting.

I went deep in thoughts, well maybe this baby comes with good outcomes. Maybe my sad girl life is over.


First chappie "nervous"
To my dear wowra, after all I had a dream with you that you're pregnant 😂don't worry, I'm sure you'll be a good girl.
And also to everyone 😘
Dearest zam💓

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