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Long Ago, the great goddess, Iris created and beautiful girl. Her hair was spun strands of gold. Her eyes shimmered a bright, light jade. She gave her unspeakable powers. Powers that made her a link between the Field of Rushes and the Land of Kings.

Her husband, Osiris, king of the dead saw the flaw in this plan. Many would try to harm the child if she were sent into the world alone. So he too crafted a child. A son that would protect the daughter of Isis. His hair was like the sand, a glorious brown-gold. And his eyes wear like the greenest of palms. He would go to the world before her so that he may be wise in the world of humans.

He was born to a lowly scribe who worked in the court of the dear Pharoah. A summer and one year had past and soon, Isis' daughter was brought into the Earth.

She was born to a servant in the court. However, her strange hair made it clear that she was more than just a server. She was crafted by the Gods themselves. She would became a priestess to serve Anubis.

The two crossed paths when they were only ten summers old and became the greatest of companions.

She was so close to the age ready of courtship. The other priestesses had no choice but to lock her away in the temple only for her to leave to pray to their Gods.

She would sneak out for him. They'd run and laugh as they played in the desert sand. Soon they were getting too old to play. She was seventeen. And he almost twenty.

The Pharoah's son had always been jealous of their friendship. He would watch her from his palace window and every time Ra rose to mid-day, he'd look out and promise that he would marry her one day.

Pharoah was getting old. And he was very ill. And when Anubis took him into the Underworld to be judged, the Prince became ruler.

He demanded the blessed girl to be released from her confinement. He moved her to his court and banished her companion to be no more than his lowest servant. He was to bathe the Pharoah. Cloth him. Feed him. And when the time would come, he would be there to clean up the blood she bore after she was given his seed of Kings.

The blessed girl was very beautiful now, even more so than when she was a babe. Her hair flowed down her back in perfect locks. Her eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder. Her heart was compassionate and she cared for all those whom she met. Except, of course, the new Pharoah.

She couldn't bear his cruelty. His two wives had borne several children. Strong heirs to his throne. But Pharoah wanted a child touched by the Gods. He wanted his children to rule over Egypt with out a question of authority. And she was his ticket to a prosperous dynasty.

The son of Osiris soon fell for the blessed one. Anubis himself had visited him in his sleep and told him the story of his and the girl's creation. The two were made for each other. Two halves of the same whole. Two souls bound together for eternity.

She hadn't believed the blasphemous story at first. But after a spell bounding kiss, she knew that the words he spoke were true.

After months of their hidden glances and their secret meetings, she came to be with child. She couldn't resist the truth. For her heart was forever pure. "Anubis came to me in my slumber," she had told them. "He said that I would come to be with child. And the child would be of a son of Osiris and a daughter of Isis, crafted for great fortune and power."

The father of the child stood there proud of his lover. She found a way to always be the perfect example of compassion and strength.

Pharoah saw this and knew instantly that this had to be the work of devils. He waited patiently as the child grew in her womb. And when she was born, she was just as her mother had described. A gorgeous babe with tufts of blonde hair and eyes bluer than the Nile.

He locked away the child's father and ordered his execution. Her mother nursed her by the side of the Pharoah and wept when she saw her lover being brought out of his cage. Beaten and bloodied. She handed the child over to her maid and rushed toward him and embraced him only to be ripped from him.

"Free him Pharoah! I beg of you."

"I shall not. For he has committed great crimes against the Gods."

"What crime could so horrid that it be punishable by death, dear Pharoah?" He stood from his throne and grabbed her by her chin.

"You know the treachery you have caused. You are no better than a common whore, giving away your body and lying about who the real father of that bastard child is." Her eyes grew wide and scared. She was not built for such sadness and sorrow.

"'Tis alright my love. You take our dear child and you raise her to know who she really is. As for me, I can say that I've only failed you and for that, I am truly sorry."

He looked down at the pit below him. It was filled with abominable crocodiles that would rip him apart as he was fed to them. He only wished his wife and his daughter wouldn't hear his screams as he ascended into the Field of Rushes. His body was flung, as there was nothing anyone could do. He prayed to his Father as he fell, being promised that his daughter would live.

She shook with grief before rising to her feet with wet cheeks. " I curse you," she said. "I curse you and all of those who fall into your wretched bloodline. You will die the cruelest of deaths for the cruelest of punishments that you have executed today.

His skin began to welt and with his final breath, he commanded that she too be executed.

Their daughter was raised to be a queen. She was married to a kind man who followed her every command. She served her mother and father justice and their blessed blood traveled through her to all corners of the Earth so that one day, two would come to be like her mother and father. Blessed by Gods with an unimaginable power to avenge the souls that were lost but still wander the Earth as one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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