chapter one (grammer improved)

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Reminder: I don't own the following video.

Characters: jovan, traveler, age 19...
Vick, barista, age 21...
???, Unicode leader, age ???...
The watch, law enforcers...

*Year 2042-11-19*

*Jovan's pov*

The train stopped, I was dressed in a hoodie with yellow outlined stars, and a backpack, with a fedora along. and I walked out into the station. I've been told that you can have a blast in this place, they call, neon district. and I really hoped that. At the entrance, there were four people at a fence. and it was storming out. The gates looked pretty secure too. But the guys infront looked fierce. It gave me, a unpositive vibe. There was a wall everywhere around. And it looked as if there were a dome over. But it was still raining over the fence. At least I think. It was still hard to see.

I walked up to the people. Two had some kind of viser on there heads. And the other two had helmets. were also equipped with guns. It felt like as I was just about to enter tron or something. I walked four feet in front of them. "Are, you guards or something?" I asked. They stood silent. "ID"one of them asked. "You want my ID?" "...Give me your ID" he asked again.

I reached for my pocket, and got out my driver's license. "Here..." He took it from my hand, and he walked away a little bit, as he did another person infront walked twords me. He took my bag from my back. And he walked to the other person that asked for my card. He started searching through my bag. And the third guard used a metal detector to scan it. At least I thought it was a metal detector. I wanted to ask what he was doing. But these may be officers. I didn't have any thing to hide though. The first guard pulled out a weird device, and slid my card through it." He handed it back, after talking for a few seconds. He asked the reason why I came, I explained it all to them.

"Proceed with caution" he said. The gates opened. There were three and all opened at once.
I stared before slowly walked through, and the floor was tiled, The street lights flickered... It took a while to reach the next check point. And at the check point was, was a big area with benches everywhere. And what seemed to be a yard away, was an subway tunnel and another path. It looked pretty neat. There was a sign, it was one of those sighs, that light up.

I walked over to the steps that led to the door. The first thing I saw, was a desk that was the shape of a curved L. And bench. I approached a women at the counter. "I asked as simple as possible. "Madam? Do you think I could get some information about this place?" She turned around in her chair. "Yes, are you a foreign?" "I was coming from the united kingdom to visit america, and I heard that this was a good place to visit" I informed. "Ok, first off, I don't know much about this place either, but you can take a guide of the place"

she said as pointed out to a table showing a few packets. "Ok, thank you" "does it cost anything?" "No, it's completely free" "ok" I picked one up, and headed out. . Half a yard, I reached the third check point, one led to a dark looking path, and one led to the main part, I thought. I chose the one infront, and that one led me to a few noodle and seafood stands. The raman stand was built inside the walls of the buildings. I decided to spend my first bit of money trying it. It looked safe, and legit enough. I walked over, there were two people behind the desk.

I handed ten bucks to buy a cup. They both headed into the kitchen. I was able to see them prepare it. One of them grabbed a pot of already boiled water, and the other one opened the cup halfway. Then he filled the cup and added a plastic fork. He handed the cup, and thanked him, like all Brits. I continued on. I wanted to go back, there was a few benches where those apartments were, So I walked back... It was just drizzling, and it was still dusk. I sat on a bench next to a light. I grabbed the cup in my hands.

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