Basic info for the story

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Main Characters

Friu: moderately tall I suppose, around 5'10, medium length hair dyed blue with an undercut, naturally a light brown, non-binary, they/them pronouns, hazel eyes, and freckles sprayed lightly across their cheeks and nose, very very curious, likes collecting little rocks and bones they find.

Nio: around 5'3, she has medium length dark brown hair, normally pulled back into a ponytail using a small vine because they don't have things like scrunchies and electricity here (mostly but thats for later hehe), very courageous and loves exploring.

Kazumi: roughly 4'11-5'0, short and curly blonde hair with metal-framed circular glasses with strikingly blue eyes, a very booksmart type of person, but not really courageous at all, she really likes to read, and study, she's always top of her class.

Ren: around 5'4, short red hair, non-binary, they/them pronouns, hazel eyes, squoval glasses with a walnut frame, a small dash of freckles across their face, sarcasm is one of their most prominent traits, but they get scared easily as well, especially by spiders, but they can stay very level-headed in most situations.

(Lady) Charlie: 5'7 to 5'8, long chestnut brown hair, normally in two braids, dark brown eyes, kinda the mom of the group (but nobody would say that cause she would probably beat them up), very adventurous and outgoing, comes from one of the most respected families in Inoumli village, so most people refer to her as Lady Charlie, or simply Lady, but she doesn't feel comfortable with people doing that, so she tries to tell people to just call her Charlie, but most adults won't listen.

M'kay so I dunno who's gonna read this cause its literally my first published story and it started as a tiny short story in seventh grade but mmm thats fine anyways here ya'll go, I'll probably only post each chapter every one to two weeks, but if i end up with writers block again it'll be even longer oops but I'm gonna post the first one riiiight after this one

and I'm currently working on a good cover so that might happen at some point too

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