Chapter 3

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I pull out my iPod from my pocket and blast the music through my ears, staring out of the window at towns, cities and farm lands. The music helps me to relax a bit, putting aside all the things that happened earlier. There is not much chatter in the car, except for Tommy and Mum discussing which roads to take or talking about what's new on the radar. Blake sits beside me, viewing something on his phone.

Mum doesn't even try to speak to me, and I'm glad she doesn't. I'm not in the mood to talk to her.

As we enter Oklahoma, Tommy pulls the SUV into a service station to fill up with petrol.

"Charli, would you like anything to eat?" Mum asks, turning to me.

I don't answer her. My stomach grumbles, but I don't feel like getting out of the car to please it with food. If I get out, I will want to find the nearest bus stop and head back to the nearest airport.

"Honey, you can ignore me all you want, but eventually you will have to speak," she continues on.

When she realises I wasn't going to return a response, she gets out of the car.

Blake turns to me. "If you need to use the bathroom, you better do so now because once we start chasing, you won't be able to. And if you are hungry, you better grab something now. We don't be stopping again."

Without saying anything else, Blake gets out of the car. I sit there for a moment, wondering if I should get out and stretch my legs. We have been driving for so long, and a good stretch is what I need as my bottom was starting to ache from sitting for the last few hours.

I make a decision, getting out of the car just as two vehicles with radars and satellite stuff on their roof pulls into the service station. Great. More storm chasers. The men get out and greet Tommy, discussing the weather.

I glance up at the clouds. They were light grey where we were, but to the south they were a darker shade, almost a midnight blue.

I head inside the store, walking down the aisles, unsure what I wanted to eat. I settle on something healthy, unlike the junk I see Blake picking up – potato chips, lollies, chocolate and soft drink. I pick up a ham and cheese sandwich and a bottle of water. I notice Blake watching me, but doesn't say anything and heads straight towards the counter to pay for his items. I stand behind him as Mum moves away from the counter after paying for the petrol. She heads back outside.

Blake moves forward and places his items on the counter. The clerk scans them, placing everything into a plastic bag. He pays for it and then steps aside for me. He waits for me to pay for my things, and then walks me back to the car.

"You really should start speaking to the rest of us," he tells me. "I get it you're mad at your mother, it doesn't mean you can just give us all the silent treatment."

I ignore him.

Mum and Tommy stood in front of the bonnet of the SUV, glancing at the laptop that sat there.

"I reckon this is going to hit Fullerton," Mum says.

"Are you sure?" Tommy asks. "It looks like it might be on the outskirts of Fullerton and Woodville to the east."

"We could head in that direction. Once we reach Fullerton, we will be able to figure out which position we should set ourselves in."

Tommy looks up at Blake and me as we join them. "What do you think, Blake?"

Blake shrugs. "I'm up for whatever you think is right."

"Right, let's get going shall we? I want this to be a non-stop trip to Fullerton."

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