Hair styling

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A/N: not proofread and like one curse word(?) This was inspired by a prompt on Twitter I found so that's pretty pog. Also inspired by SAD-ist design on Techno and just long haired Techno in general^^ Sorry if it kinda makes no sense 💀

"Your hair is so soft and silky!" Tommy beamed, running his hands through the light pink strands.

"Yea, how do you keep your hair so healthy if all you do is PvP, it's bound to get damaged or god forbid chopped off," Wilbur asked.

The small little family of four were all together in their living room. Tommy was on the couch with Technoblade sitting crossed legged on the floor in front of him. Philza was on Technoblade's right while Wilbur was on his left.

It was a Saturday and they had stayed up late the previous night to finish their own responsibilities so they decided to have an off day. And what did the boys like to do on their off days? Funny enough they actually enjoyed styling Technoblade's hair. His hair fell down to his low back and was a soft pink.

Somehow he managed to keep his hair healthiest along the four despite being at the highest risk of having damaged and uneven chopped hair thanks to his specialty at PvP. Three other three had a blast attempting to style Technoblade's hair in different ways.

Technoblade even allowed them to dye his hair with temporary dye once, let's just say he never allowed them to do it again.

Most the time the three of them try to replicate confusing hairstyles online, this results in an hour or so of struggling and Tommy complaining about how difficult it was. (despite the fact he is always the one to suggest it)

Technoblade didn't mind. He found it amusing how his brothers were so invested in his hair. He took very good care of his hair as he found it to be one of his most promising features. Even he's surprised at how long the good condition of his hair had lasted.

"Would you believe me if I said I sold my soul to the gods?" Technoblade joked earning a few chuckles from his brothers.

"Would be believable if you weren't an Atheist," Wilbur responded, still laughing slightly.

"You're right, darn," Technoblade huffed with fake dissatisfaction. This in turn made the other three laugh out loud. They spent the next few moments conversing about trivial things as they tried to replicate yet another difficult hair style which was yet again suggested by Tommy.

"Really though Techno, how is your hair so perfect," Philza asked as they were almost complete with the hairstyle.

"Hm? Don't really know if I'm being honest, I do all the normal hair care and maybe a little extra but I'm not sure how my hair is still in good condition," The questioned shrugged, wincing slightly when Tommy tugged on his hair a little too hard.

"You lucky bastard! If my hair was as good quality as yours, you bet I'd want to grow my hair out! Sadly my hair isn't in amazing condition like yours so long hair wouldn't even be worth it!" Wilbur complained as he finished the final braid for the look.

"Please long hair is very annoying to keep up, yknow one day I'm just gonna have to chop it all off," Technoblade admitted which, like he expected the other three were not too happy with the revelation.

"Unfortunately I'm sure you all have disagreements with that idea, I have the longest hair yet styling it just became a family bonding exercise," He continued, laughing as he heard Tommy continue to loudly protest to him chopping his hair.

For now he didn't mind this being their go to family relaxing activity.

Thank you for reading! Hope it was alright, I kinda rushed through this so uh 😳💦


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