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Salvaturi Vitale always came off as a Uneducated person, and to say the truth he was. Not that he wasn't smart in fact he was brilliant just not in a conventional way, you see he was made for a different kind of life.

The life of crime.

To be honest he kinda found it normal and obvious that a person would willingly accept that lifestyle. Sure it was dangerous but heck a few risks here and a some bullet's there seemed like a fair trade when he saw the life those men had. Hell he made it sound like a no-brainer and no matter what you said he was sold on this life, so it wasn't a surprise when the morning after graduation he went straight to ask the don for a job. Normally someone as young as "sal" wouldn't be allowed to talk to the don but he had a ace up his sleeve. His Father.

He woke up real early right at sunrise , he wanted to impress so he pulled out one of his late father's suits and very carefully as to not wake his mother tiptoed down the stairs and slipped out the backdoor. Vincenza's the Don's usual hangout was only a few blocks away so by the time he got there the don would have already arrived.

When he entered the host looked at him from up to down and asked "business"

"Buongiorno vorrei parlare con il don?" he asked softly

"I dons sono occupati ma chi devo dire ha chiesto di lui" he was being denied a chance to speak to the don so he played his last card.

"Salvatori Vitale, mio padre lavorava per lui" he'd meant to get an audience with the don on his own but he'd been pushed in to using his dad as his gateway, when the host heard him say this he instantly perked up and said " un momento per favore" and quickly disappeared into the kitchen doors.

As he waited there he thought about the host's reaction , it was kinda amazing that his fathers name caused such an effect on a person. Who knew maybe his father was more than a simple button man.
He heard the don before he even saw him "Sei il ragazzo di Isidoro?" The Don's deep voice startled him so much that he forgot his italian a quietly replied"Yes sir , Isidoro was my father" he barely finished speaking when the huge man pulled him in for a hug that almost squeezed the life outta him. "Come child join me for breakfast and you can tell me what you came to see me about" he followed to a table by the back next to a huge window and sat, while the don started going at the cornetti. "Tell me my boy what can I do for you, how's your momma doing she okay?" he asked with genuine concern on his face "She's well sir, and as to why I've come I'd like to ask you for a job" he said daringly looking at him. "Boy your father was the best capo this family has ever had and he was an even better friend, but I can't just give you a job you gotta prove yourself you gotta earn it" he replied with such ease that sarbaturi thought he was joking "And how am I supposed to prove myself sir"he barked back"
"Listen to me son, I'm only doing this because your father wouldn't have wanted you out and about getting in with the wrong crowd" he heaved a heavy sigh and continued " your gonna go with Tony he'll se to it that ya learn the basics of the business, this doesn't mean your part of the family yet your just lending a hand remember that, now go tony's in the back with the rest of the boys" he murmured a quick thanks and went out the back.

Once outside he saw about 10 guys there, he hadn't been told anything about Tony so he decided to just ask

"I'm looking for Tony , so who's Tony?"

No body paid attention to him except who he guessed was Tony, tall muscular and real intimidating.

"How ya doing, I've been told your gonna be helping me out for sometime"

And just like that his life of crime began, well to be honest there wasn't a lot of crime going on at the time. Salvaturi spent the next few months learning about the rackets and other businesses that the family had . "Look kid first things first if you really wanna be somebody in the family you gotta do two things, first you gotta be a good earner i mean bring in good cash from any buisness you make for the family be it extortion, gambling,or money loaning" sal just stood there looking at tony as if he had just revealed the secret to life, yet he dared ask " what about drugs dont you guys deal on that?" he asked anxiously waiting for a reply. "we dont and I'd recommend you dont bring this up again at all" he barked as turned around and headed for his car, he signaled sal to follow. "you got a gun kid?"- Tony asked. " No I've only seen them"- he sheepishly replied. "well kid fortunatley for you, you wont need one for the time being but when your ready ill hook you up with a good one" he said as he turned to start the car. The car wasnt much at least not what hed expect from sombody with tony's rank, see tony was a capo just like sal's father. Only difference was sal's pop was driven around in a caddy and tony, well tony drove himself in a ten year old stang. "So Tony where we goin?" - sal asked. " Well kid first we're stopping buy the bodyshop on tenth street, that's where my crew and I operate from and afterwards your going out with one of my made men so he can show you the strings in terms of earning".

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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