Ch. 1

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Your name is Dave Strider. You're currently hanging out with your dork of a friend, John Egbert.

It's winter, December 25th to be precise. You and your best friend are outside, playing in the snow like 5 year olds. I mean, what would be better? Sitting inside all day? Maybe.

John is currently sitting in the snow, legs crossed, brushing through the fresh flakes with his fingers. You laugh at how childish he looks before sitting next to him and giving him a nudge.

"You having fun freezing your ass off?" You ask, ruffling your friend's jet black hair which is dusted with snowflakes. He pouts which makes you laugh, and after a moment he joins you.

"So, are we actually gonna do chemistry or are we just gonna die of hypothermia? Cause I'm cool with either." You say, tracing a variety of genatalia in the snow.

"Ew, would it kill you not to draw a dick on everything you see?" John asks. "Yep. Now answer the question." You respond. "Okay fine, uh... It's possible we don't have chemistry homework and I was just looking for an excuse to hang out with you." He says, standing up. You do the same.

"So we couldn't have just hung out inside? Seriously dude, you're pale as hell and your nose is running." You comment, actually slightly concerned about how red John's nose and cheeks are getting.

"I guess we could've done that, but now I have an excuse to make hot chocolate." He says, smiling and walking towards the direction of your small apartment. "Bro isn't home, is he?" He asks and you just shake your head in response. "He's on a date." You add.

"How the hell does a guy like that get a date? I mean... Child abuser, porn doll maker, porn doll SELLER... Do I need to continue?" John asks. You sigh. "Nope. He's a piece of shit." You say, following John to your home.

After a few minutes of walking, you arrive at your apartment. You walk upstairs and arrive at your room. Number 69. You know your bro planned that. Anyways, you take out your key and unlock the door. Immediately, the smell of cigarettes takes over your senses.

"Ughhh. Hang on Egbert. Gotta get some febreze up in here." You say, plugging your nose and walking in. You take off your coat and hang it up before walking to the end table by the couch and grabbing the febreze. You walk around the house, spraying the shit out of everything and opening windows.

"Alright, come in." You say, after you're sure that the scent is gone. John walks in and immediately starts coughing. Like, a lot. "Shit dude, are you okay?" You ask, rushing towards the coughing boy. Instead of responding, he takes out his inhaler and brings it up to his mouth. After what must be a few minutes, he puts his inhaler away.

"Sorry, I think it was the air freshener or something? I don't know." He said, breathing heavily. "Fuck, I didn't think about that. The air is kinda thick in here." You say, feeling a little guilty.

"It's fine, Dave, I don't care that much." He says, taking off his fogged glasses and wiping them off. He then takes off his coat and hangs it next to yours. "I think it's aired out enough, can you close the windows? I'm freezing." He asks, visibly shaking.

"Oh, yeah bro. Totally." And with that, the two of you walk around the apartment and shut the windows. Afterwards, you turn on the heat. Bro will have your ass for wasting money on keeping the place warm, but you care more about pleasing your crush. Uh, friend. Yes. Friends.

In all honesty, you were in love with John Egbert since you were 13. Three years have passed and your feelings haven't changed. However, things are looking down. You and John have had your fair share of VERY gay moments and he keeps denying that men interest him.

It hurts you deeply. You feel really unlovable sometimes and when you think about your unrequited feelings you can even manage to spiral into a panic attack. This mainly occurs after sparring with Bro on the rooftop.

"Dave?" You hear John say your name and you snap out of your thinking state. "Huh? Oh, sorry, what?" You ask. John shakes his head and sighs. "I made hot chocolate. Do you want any?" He asks, pointing in the direction of two full mugs he has set on the counter.

"Oh hell yeah." You say, grabbing your mug and getting more excited when you noticed the mini marshmallows in yours. John knows how much you love those things. He notices your uncool display of excitement and laughs.

"Hey, these things are really good! Don't laugh at me!" You say, punching John in the arm playfully. "Pfft, it's not my fault you get so excited over mini marshmallows or whatever." He responded with a dorky smirk.

That is one of your favorite things about him. The way his braces glinted against the light, how white his teeth were, and mostly; his dimples. Everything about him is just so dorky. And uncool. But somehow, you admire him.

"Alright, anyways, wanna watch some TV and drink this shit?" You ask, walking towards the living room, already knowing he was nodding his head. Before you sit down on the sofa, you check for stains or anything. Mainly because you've definitely heard Bro get it on with several women out here.

After a moment of inspection, it seems like everything is clean and you two sit down. You slowly sip your creamy hot chocolate and look over at your friend. You notice that he has a chocolate line above his lip. Laughing, you set down your beverage and wipe his top lip with your thumb.

Shit. You did a gay thing again.

You both stare at each other awkwardly for a minute before John starts laughing. You follow suit, and after a moment everything is back to normal. You have had many fantasies about stuff you or him would do. Just then, you could've been brave and just kissed him. But you didn't.

John is already back to watching whatever type of cringey sitcom is on, and you sigh. You know you need to tell him how you feel, but... where? And when?

So, you decide to form a plan. On 4/13, John's birthday, you will confess your feelings at the movie theater. You will even tip the movie person to play Con Air that day.


You look over and realized John has passed out next to you. You check the time. 7:30pm. How did he even fall asleep? Hell if you know. You try nudging him and waking him up but all he does is shift positions so he's facing away from you. Knowing he's one hell of a deep sleeper, you decide to just let him sleep on the couch.

You stand up and move his legs so he is properly laying down. You throw a blanket over him and grab the mugs to put them in the sink. While you're doing the dishes, you hear shifting from the living room.


Your name is called out weakly. You turn around to see john sitting up on the couch, looking at you. He looks pale and his glasses are slanted and practically falling of his face.

"Woah dude, you don't look so good." You say, drying your hands off and walking over to sit next to him. As you are about to sit down, he grabs your arm and forces you down by him. "Woah dude, what the hell?!" You exclaim.

"Sorry, sorry. I don't feel good..." John says, sighing afterwards. "Oh shit, want some medicine? I think Bro has got some in the cabinet-" "Dave, stop talking." He says, cutting you off.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he does about the gayest thing the two of you have ever experienced. He lays in your lap.

Your first instinct is to absolutley lose your shit, but you realize that would be really uncool so you breathe heavily to try and calm yourself. Apparently, John notices.

"Sorry, is this okay?" He asks with concern in his voice. "Yeah, it's fine. Totally cool. No homo." You blurt out, making things 50x more awkward. "Uh, ok." John says, getting comfortable on your lap and looking at the TV screen. After a few minutes he's asleep again. And finally, a even later, you fall asleep too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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