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Iruka did not even need to know what his new found comrades were saying. He could guess it from what he saw before him. A mansion that still had the same nature taken over feel to the rest of the city, yet still stood in elegant pride before them. The group maids and butlers bowing at them before said mansion was enough to made even Iruka's mind blown.

Naruto. You have no reason to return back to Konoha. None at all. Iruka thought as he watched Na speak in what Iruka came to know as English to Shiroe, snapping the Enchanter out of his shock. Na and Shiroe acted as a team, speaking to the maids and butler.  Shiroe acting as a translator for Na. Na asking questions to the maids and butlers and giving orders from what she heard from Shiroe. Rue and Toe came out of the mansion. Rue bowing to Na and Shiroe, explaining something in English as well.

But, how much money does Naruto have here? Iruka pondered, looking at the mansion. It was well kept up and even stood out from the decaying buildings around it. It was a two story building with many windows and in a style Iruka has never seen before.  It made it hard for Iruka to gauge how Naruto's wealth.

"Iruka, my man, how are you doing?" Iruka jumped, seeing Toe walk up to him.

My lord, he is tall. Iruka look up to Toe, feeling himself being like a dwarf next to the huge man in armor. Ah, wait, I got shorter, Iruka chuckled sheepishly. "I'm okay considering the past few hours I been getting use to my new height. Yet, how the hell are you moving three bodies at once?" Iruka growled, looking over at Na and Rue. He saw them both following Shiroe and a maid into the mansion with the others.

"That I don't know," Toe sighed. "Best I can guess is I have developed some kind of  superpower or something. Whatever it is has allowed me to have a hive mind between three heroes."

"Naruto...Wait, don't tell me. Role-playing helps it?" Iruka said, his eye twitching as he looked at Toe.

"Correct, hero-in-training," Toe chucked. "Not that I don't mind as it helps with dealing with the situation. Come on, let's get a bite to eat with the other heroes... Ah, might not." Iruka blinked with seeing Toe slump over.

"What's wrong?" Iruka asked, but followed the man into the mansion. It was when he entering the large dining room did he realize the issue. Before Toe and him were Na, Rue, and Shiroe with the other Adventurers. All of them trying to eat a nice feast before them... Yet, their faces pale or tears in their eyes.

"The food have no taste." Toe whined as Iruka took a piece of toast and took a bite.

"Yeah. That's pretty much tasteless." Iruka said, frowning at the toast. If I was not used to the rations and medicines to keep going on hard missions, I would be the same. "Ah! That's right. When I drank some tea, it tasted like water."

"Odd. Does that mean production items have no taste?" Toe said, getting a confused look from Iruka. Toe pointed at Na who was nibbling on strawberries. "Strawberries have taste, so guessing I am getting ingredient items are still with taste."

"If that's the case, then can cooking it the normal way work?" Iruka asked before jumping with Rue shot up from her seat and running... Hitting the floor with tripping on her feet, but got back up in an instant to rush into to a side room. "I guess Rue is your issue avatar?"

"No... She is role-play as a stoic, klutz maid." Toe sighed, shaking his head.

"Should we be having a klutz cook?" Iruka gave a wary look to Toe.

"She's the only one with cooking skills. I wanted to ensure success in cooking with trying real world method." Toe said, looking at the other Adventurers. Iruka realize several low level Adventurers, all looking like kids.

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