Chapter one

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It was an early Tuesday morning and Ziggy was in the kitchen cooking Bacon sandwichs. Joe was reading a newspaper with a confused look and Robbie was texting some bird he made out with last night."Come and get your Bacon butties!" Ziggy yelled as he placed a huge plate containg five or six on the table. Robbie dived right in and grabbed the biggest sandwich and pasted it with ketchup. Joe looked up from the newspaper and sighed " Still havent caught the last murder around this place" he tutted and picked up a sandwich and bit into.

"Jas!?"Ziggy yelled," You coming?" Jason reluctantley trudeged down the stairs and sat at the table, he still wasnt keen on eating food. He picked up the smallest sandwich and took the tiniest of bites and gagged. "Come on Jas ya nned to eat," Robbie said

"Yeh Mam left cuz you said you'd be fine ya need to prove it," Ziggy exclaimed.

"Just leave him too it Im sure can eat when it pleases him" Joe reassured being the big brother father figure he is. And they all got down to their breakfast eating the sandwichs like animals, huge bites at a time, sauces spraying everywhere except for Jason who just sat their in disgust taking little nibbles of the bread.

Outside on the street a young girl walked up to the hollyoaks sign and looked around. She had a large puprle suitcase and a smaller black one. She had long blonde hair and a pair of geekish glasses. She was also wearing a very snazzy hoody and some plain black leggings.She looked around once more and then ambled forwards. She was looking for somewhere or someone. She reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled out a piece of ripped paper which had an adress scribbled down. But a sudden gust of wind blew it out of her hand and it flew away. The girl shivered. Celine McQueen saw what happened and scurried over.

"Are you alright?" She asked in a quriky inquisitive voice.The girl nodded as her hair was blown about in the strong winds. "Thats good,its just ive never seen you before and you know you look a bit young to be out on the streets.."Celine stood there waiting for the girl to answer. "Im old enough trust me!"She replied,"I'm 13!Now wheres the Roscoe household." Celine was about to ask her why on earth she wanted to go their but instead she said," Iver their on the right you'll see it its massive." And then the girl walked off.

When she arrived at the door she stood patiently for a minute and wondered if she should knock. She pulled out two photos from her other pocket and her phone dropped out and smashed. She sighed and picked up and carefully placed it back in her pocket. Then she looked at the photos. One was of five young boys aged between 4-14 at a beach all having fun, the other was of five older men at a pub, the exact pub in hollyoaks with their mum,Sandy Roscoe. The boys was Joe,Freddie,Ziggy,Robbie and Jason Roscoe. The girl stuffed the photos back into her pocket so they didnt blow away and then hesitated to knock. She froze in mid air and hundered of thoughts whirred through her head, but ignoring them all she knocked on the door.

A tall man came to the door with brown hair and a blue jumper on,it was Joe and the girl could tell from the picture;" Are you Joe Roscoe?" She asked in a small shy voice which could just be heard.He blinked at her twice and then said,"Yes... And you are?" The girl didnt really know what to say she didnt know if she should just come clean or gradually build on to what she was trying to say. "Soo?" Joe asked impatiently," Your not another bird that Robbis slept with and made pregnant are you?" The girl panicked and imediatly shook her head. From inside she could hear the mutters of Robbie and Ziggy and lots of plates clanging. "Everything alright Joe?!" Ziggy yelled. Joe yelled yes f back then looked at the girl. " If your not gonna tell me who you are,then I'm going to have to ask you to go!" Joe paused and began to close the door.

"STOP!" The girl yelled. Joe jumped back in surprise and Ziggu,Jason and Robbie all ran to the door and expressed confused looks at the girl and muttered things like "Who is she" or "Why hasnt he shut the door yet?" The girl kicked the door open and stood there,great she thought, because of my yelling I'm going to have to tell them al. " So?" Joe asked who exactly are you. "Jade," The girl replied," Jade Roscoe....I'm your sister."

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