The Most Powerful Magic

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Note: Just a little cinderella hobi au i wrote for sope week, hope you enjoy!!


"Prince Yoongi. Please, you must stop this." Namjoon sighed.

"Stop what? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"This!" Namjoon gestured towards the man's musical studio, filled with stringed instruments and a large, grand piano in the center of the room. "All these musical things! It is fitting for a prince to be well versed, but you're spending all of your time up in this room!"

Yoongi shrugged, continuing to play a quiet melody on the piano, "I've already won my sparring match, there is no one in this kingdom who could challenge me with the sword. I've already spoken with my father on the matters today concerning the kingdom." Yoongi paused the melody, ending on a sustained note, "We are not at war. Allow me such things as this, Namjoon."

Namjoon groaned, "So you met with the king this morning. I pray that he told you about his most recent ambitions."

"Yes, and...?"

"And?!" Namjoon's eyes grew wide, "Prince Yoongi, you are to prepare for a ball in just over a month. Your father has set his sights on retiring from his position and crowning you as king. But he won't allow you to ascend to the throne without someone by your side. You know how stubborn he gets." Namjoon ran a frustrated hand through his bangs, "As skilled as you are Prince Yoongi, you fail tremendously when it comes to matters involving the public's trust. Even more so with matters of the heart. Don't you think you should be out there, trying to bring their opinions of you in good favor? You want a good selection of partners attending the ball, don't you?"

Yoongi crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes, "You know I don't believe in things like that. I've never believed in 'love at first sight' and that's exactly what my father is hoping for with this ball of his."

"I know you don't believe in it." Namjoon sighed, "But can't you just try for your father?"

"Fine." Yoongi huffed, getting up to walk over to the large and packed bookshelf, "I have to go into the village to get a new book for my music studies anyway."

"That's not exactly what I meant by earning the public's trust." Namjoon deadpanned, "You'll have to be in disguise the whole time. If anyone catches sight of your cyan hair you're done for. You're not going into town, Prince Yoongi."

Yoongi grinned walking towards the door, looking back over his shoulder to wink at Namjoon, "I'm not going into town if you don't tell anyone that I am." Before leaving through the doors.

Namjoon groaned loudly, falling back to sit down at the piano bench and rub at his temples, "That prince." The music sheet that was standing up against the piano, with scribbled notes on the worn page, caught Namjoon's eye.

He smiled, a fond huff, "For as much as he tries to hide it, he really is a romantic at heart. Only fairy tales begin with such a name." Namjoon commented to himself, reading the title of the song,

'Once upon a time.'


Hoseok was working in the garden after feeding the farm animals early in the morning, the sun was just about over the horizon as Hoseok watered the vegetable garden. He was humming a little tune, something his mother would sing when she would water the same exact garden, so many years ago.

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