Married To Who?

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My name is Lydia.I'm 24 years old, waitress and part time you tuber. I love all things YouTube, especially one specific guy...but that's unimportant. My best friend and I are meeting for the first time at vidcon. We're internet besties I guess you could say. There's not much else to tell you that you won't find out soon.

I'm walking to the front door to the convention center, I'm wearing a purple shirt that says "mrs baker" in silver. Don't judge me.

I was late for the main stage and I'm supposed to be meeting Bailey any minute now...she's my BEST friend. I glance over and see a girl in a Shane hoodie...
"Lydia??" She asks
"Bailey!" I run and hug her.
"Like my shirt?" I giggle
"Oh my's so you" we laugh and start walking inside. "Hopefully we see him."
"I know! And Shane!!"
"Yes!!!" She gets all excited.
The minute we get inside, I soon find myself pushed into a different crowd. I get pushed right into someone, I fall back. " alright pretty lady?" I hear a familiar voice, it's Bart. He helps me up and I'm blushing.
"No bruises?" He asks, I shake my head.
"Here let me see..." He pulls me close to him. My whole face is probably red.
"Woah..that's blood.." He says, looking at my lips. I put my hand over my mouth, he takes my other hand and leads me behind the curtain, sitting me down on a chair and grabbing a rag, he pours his water bottle on it and holds it to my lips.
"There..keep it there. Nurse Bart's got ya." I giggle "how ya feeling?" He asks.
"My head is spinning..but I'm okay..."
"Here I'll be right back"
He walks away, leaving me alone in this narrow hallway. I sigh heavily, soon enough he comes back. He gently holds the ice pack to my head.
"everything gonna be alright now?" He asks
I nod slowly, "yeah...thanks. I better get going now" I stand and start to walk away, he grabs my hand and pulls me back, "now now, not so fast there. You're staying with me. Can't let anything happen to you."
I blush, my face turning pale as he holds me close to him. I wish people were around to see this...but then I don't.
"Do you do this to all your fans?"
He shakes his head
"What if other fans get hurt?"
"Well you're more important right now..."
My face is heating up, I soon get lost in my thoughts. Never did I ever think I'd be put in this situation, standing so close to the man I've dreamt of my whole life. It's too good to be true.
"Wanna go to lunch?" He notices my shirt, "mrs baker?" He smirks
I bite my lip nervously and nod, "yeah it's...only my dream"
"Really? Wow...that's lunch?"
"With me??"
"Well yeah, we're married right?"
I giggle and nod "yeah...I guess we are"
I have a feeling this vidcon is gonna be a good one.
He puts his arm around me and walks with me outside
"So you never told me your name sweetheart..."
"Lydia Baker does have a nice ring to it"
"I know! everyone tells me that!"
He looks at me, "everyone?"
I nod, "friends, fans, parents..."
"Ahh...I see. Why haven't I met your parents?"
I shrug, "you never asked" I giggle
"Well I'll have to thank them one day..."
"For what?"
"Making such an amazing girl." He winks
"Well...they don't live far...we could go see them..."
"Do you want to?"
"Yeah! Let's do it! Then we can make lunch a dinner and then come back to vidcon?"
He nods "sounds wonderful."
*at my parents house*
My mom opens the door and smiles. "Hey Lydia honey..."
"Hi is Bart Baker"
Her eyes widen when she sees him,
"Hi Lydia's mom." He shakes her hand
"Well come on in" she offers
We walk inside and she shuts the door behind us.
"What brings you two here?"
"Well mom...I kinda ran into him at vidcon, he saw my shirt and we started talking...he wanted to meet you"
She smiles and looks at Bart, "well, that's so sweet"
"Well I just wanted to thank you for raising such a beautiful daughter"
I blush bright red.
"You're too kind, really."
"Yeah well first impressions always stick. And let's face it Lydia Baker sounds pretty great...don't you think"
She laughs, "of course."
We finally make it back to the convention center, "well, what would you like to do now?" He asks
"Well, usually I'd be walking around the expo hall...checking on what they have...seeing the maker stand, but I'm hanging out with you so...."
"Well we could still walk around..."
We go to the expo hall and I soon see a TRXYE sweatshirt. "Bart! I want that sweatshirt...but the's like down the whole hall."
He looks over at the district lines booth and then back at me, "I can get it for you, wait here" he says before I can even stop him, he walks off to one of the fans in the front of the line and starts talking to her.
I see her smiling and nodding and he signs something and takes a picture with her. I look down, I cannot believe any of this is happening.
"I got it"
I look up quickly to see a smile wider than any I've seen before. I take it, "it's so soft...thank you so much."
I look down at my shirt and then at the hoodie.
"Put it on, it's okay, I still know you're my wife"
I giggle and pull it on. "It's so fucking warm"
Soon enough I feel arms wrap around me from behind. I turn, it's Troye, he looks down, "sorry I just saw the jumper and couldn't resist" he smiles his adorable little smile and then looks at bart,
"You're with bart?"
"Yeah I mean...kinda"
"Well, stay out of trouble" he winks and runs away
I look at bart who rolls his eyes and chuckles.
I yawn and look over when I hear my name being yelled.
I turn to see Bailey, walking with Shane.

Hey guys! This is the very first update on this account and I hope you liked it as much as I do. More to come! <3 Dawsongirl10

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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