Recording One

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[Middle of the day. It’s bright with the sun high in the sky and only a few clouds. Camera shows the whole field with its long grass and wilderness before slowly zooming in. There's a figure sat down on the grass. Camera zooms on a section of the long grass which is swaying slightly in the wind. This spot seems insignificant until the main character speaks and the camera shot switches to a more homemade feel on a hand-held recorder.]

Date on recorder reads: 24/08/2013
Time: 11:23

Jungkook: Another summer’s day, alone in the field.
[Camera moves to show the place]

Jungkook: The weather is beautiful today. It’s sunny but not too hot

[Jungkook switches the camera to record himself, he stands up and starts walking before he talks again.]

Jungkook: Ma asked about my friends again…
[Pain is shown on his face as he talks]
I told her that they were good people but she couldn’t meet them because they were too busy with their families this summer...I don’t know how long I can keep lying to her.

[Jungkook looks up and around at his surroundings. He switches the camera to look at a butterfly that has rested on the long grass.]

Jungkook: I guess that's all for today. I’ll head home soon and I’ll keep you updated.

{Camera cuts}

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