Dirty Little Secret.

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Do you still think of how fragile I used to be?

Do you recall how scared you used to make me?

As you look at me, do you still see a broken little girl?

Or do you see what you will never have, a precious pearl?

Do you recognise me now that I'm no longer afraid,

Do you realize that now I am strong and brave?

Do you accept that you have no more control over me?

Will you ever understand that, now, I'm free?

Do you hate that I no longer shy from people's touch,

Do you mourn the dead girl you terroized so much?

You once comanded me, like a puppet on some string,

But your curse is broken, I now listen to within.

You destroyed my life and slaughtered my soul,

You tainted me to reach your sadistic goal.

You stole my innocence and left me to weep,

You hissed that I was dirty, disgusting and cheap.

My life had barely started, but I prayed for it to be over,

You dried up all my luck and stole my four leaf clover.

Nobody expected the hororrs of what I would soon tell,

You had them fooled, but even the Devil was once an Angel.

Remember the time they thought I tried to end my life?

When really it was you who stabbed my stomach with a knife?

They were convinced I was crazy and they locked me away,

No amount of zombie pills could keep my nightmares at bay.

You had shattered me and I became a shell,

I didn't live, I existed in a never-ending hell.

I tried my best to not fall behind,

But I lost the battles in my mind.

Do you still relive the day I couldn't take anymore?

I told them it all, their mouths dropped to the floor.

They didn't want to believe what happened underneath their nose,

They still blame themselves even though they couldn't of known.

You disappeared and I started to rise from my ashes,

No more tears of pain or sorrow fell from my lashes.

You should see me now, that broken girl is so far gone,

And I'm left in her place, the girl who does belong.

The tables turned and it looks as if the joke's on you,

I've come out on top, after everything you put me through

I'm not sure I'll ever unserstand why you did what you did,

I'm just gonna accept that it's a mystery destined to be hid.

I know I'm still damaged, but I no longer give a damn,

Because I know where I've been and I know who I am.

The past is now dust, it's over; it's dead and gone,

I can reach my goals now and I swear I'll move on.

I'm writing this letter to bring a sordid chapter to its end,

I can start a new page where my demons can't descend.

Written in ink is the tear stained memory, you may keep it,

Have a nice life, I will; now I'm no longer your dirty little secret.


Heyya, thank you for reading.

**Based on a story I started writing but never finished**

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