The Fake Lucifer

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Cruel, Unkind, deceitful mind.

A shadow, a mirror of what you are.

I obey only to one,

My master is Lord Backerum.


He prowls the night,

With all thy might.

He rules a place you may call HELL!

But he calls it...

"His kingdom of yells"


Watch Out!, Beware!

Backerum might come out of his hiden lair.

Dead Corpses, Severed Heads,

Lying in your bloody beds.


You might wonder how I know,

these stories full of dreaded woe.

I am the devil which Backerum killed,

and I will come back to seek vengenance,



Sorry People for swearing. I don't normally swear in my stuff but I kinda got annoyed since this is my first rhyming poem and it sucked soo....I decided to swear (great excuse... T-T). Yet again Sorry!!!

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AngelMalkin xx


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2011 ⏰

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