Utterly & Entirely Humiliated

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Percy hated the snow. He despised the snow. He wished it would just go away!

Because as soon as the snow went away, then the roads would be cleared, then it wouldn't be dangerous to take a cab, then Annabeth could go back to Crystal's place, then she wouldn't be stuck here, then Mrs. Jackson wouldn't be able to tell her embarrassing baby stories about him, and then he wouldn't be utterly and entirely humiliated.

But the snow didn't go away, much to Percy's disappointment, so the humiliation carried on.

Annabeth was seated at the kitchen counter and Mrs. Jackson was talking to her as she prepared dinner. Percy was sitting on the couch with the TV blaring, in hopes that it would calm him down and restrain him from duct-taping his mother's mouth closed.

Sally and Annabeth were laughing and talking like two long-lost sisters finally reunited. Percy actually liked it that his mother and his girlfriend got along, but not when it was because they were exchanging embarrassing Percy moments!

"And then –and then he starts singing 'Baby Got Back' on the top of his lungs and shaking his butt, right in the middle of Wal-Mart!" Mrs. Jackson cried, causing another eruption of laughter between the two.

"Oh my God, and one time I remember we went to Central Park. Percy was about three. He was playing on the playground and I sitting on one of the benches," She started again. "Then all of a sudden Percy comes running over to me-"

Percy suddenly froze. No! He knew this story! NO! NO! NO!

"-Carrying his pants in one hand and his underwear in the other!" Annabeth blushed, but threw her head back and started laughing loudly. His mom joined in too.

"But, sweetie, the best part was that as he was running to me, he tripped and fell in a puddle of mud! He got mud all over his little butt and-"

"OKAY!" shouts Percy jumping of the couch. He runs over to the kitchen. Annabeth tries to stop laughing, fails, and so settles for giggling behind her hand. He glares at her.

"I'm sure Annabeth is getting tired of listening to all these stories," Percy says desperate to get her away from his dangerously talkative mom. Sally slightly frowns, and for a minute, Percy feels bad, but he knows that if he has to listen to another story about him as a baby doing stupid stuff he'll have to dig up a hole, crawl up in it, and die.

"Actually, I would love to hear more stories!" Annabeth insists, flashing Sally smile. Percy glares at her.

"Um, but I'm sure you're tired of, you know, talking, so I should-" but before she could finish Percy grabs her hand and yanks from out of the kitchen and into his room.

"Hey!" She cries. Percy sticks his tongue out at her.

"Oh that's very mature, Percy," Annabeth states, placing her hands on her hips. "But if you want to talk about mature – taking your pants and underwear off in the middle of Central Park?" Annabeth starts cracking up.

"Ugh, please don't," begs Percy.

"And-and how you wet yourself in the middle of the movie theater and then yelled 'Iwent potty in my pants'!" She started cracking up again, hugging her stomach.

Percy cringed again. "Thanks, Annabeth. I'm so glad you are getting a laugh out of my embarrassment."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Oh, please," she said. "Everyone has embarrassing baby moments."

Percy raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

"Oh, no, actually they don't – I don't," She said nervously.

"But you just said everyone does! Which means that you do too."

"Um, I was lying!" She lied. "Duh!"

Percy shot her a skeptical look, "Okay, Wise Girl."

"Well," she started hesitantly. "I guess I might have one or two embarrassing stories."

"Really? Care to sure?"

"Uh, no."

"That's not fair!"

"Boo-hoo, cry me a river! Life's not fair."

"Come on! I won't laugh! Promise."

"Yeah, right."

"Seriously, please! I've already been embarrassed enough! I think it's your turn," Percy pleaded. Now that Annabeth had let it slip that she had a few humiliating stories herself, there was no way Percy was giving up until she spilled the beans.

"No way, Seaweed Brain."

Percy slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. "Please?" he asked quietly. Annabeth could feel his warm breath across her face. His green eyes were so electrifying staring straight into hers. His hand was sending like a blaze against her. Whoa, snap out of it!

"No," she said, equally as quiet.

He leaned his head towards her until their foreheads were touching. A fire licked against them as their skin touched. Then quickly he kissed the tip of her nose. She shivered slightly, but it wasn't because of the cold.

"Please?" he whispered, his words practically on her lips. Annabeth gave a slight nod. Percy slowly pulled away, but left his arms around her waist. He gave her a lopsided smile.

She shook her head at him. "Cheater," she accused.

Percy raised his eyebrows. He was about to say something when Annabeth cu him off.

"Okay, well, once when I was like two, my dad took me to the beach. I was super excited because it was the first time I was going," She looked up at Percy and he nodded her on.

"So we laid down our towels and stuff and my dad sat on our towels reading a newspaper or something. I went off playing in the ocean. Later, I came running back to my dad completely naked and…" Percy blushed and bit down on his lip to stop his laugh from escaping. Annabeth shot him a look.

"…and when my dad asked me where my swimsuit was I just shrugged. He went berserk running around the beach trying to look for it. After my dad couldn't find it, he went back to our towels and a guy came up to us holding my bathing suit and said 'I think this belongs to your daughter'," Annabeth finished, looking at Percy expectantly. Percy bit down harder on his lip, but he couldn't help. He burst out laughing.

Annabeth pushed him. "Wow, thanks Percy."

Percy shook his head trying to stop laughing, but he couldn't. He fell back on his bed, his laughter ringing in Annabeth's ears. She blushed and scowled, "Ugh, you're so annoying!"

When Percy answered by laughing even harder, she decided that she hated the snow.

She wished the snow would just go away. Because when the snow went away, the streets wouldn't be slippery and icy, then she could get a cab, then she could go back to Crystal's apartment, then she could not be her, then she wouldn't be able to hear Percy's annoying never-ending laugh, then she wouldn't be turning bright red, then she wouldn't be scowling, and then she wouldn't be utterly and entirely humiliated.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2012 ⏰

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