Unfortunate Introductions and Unforeseen Friendships

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You weren't sure if you really liked Seidou that much. Sure, it was considered a somewhat prestigious school, but it sure seemed that the student population was filled with some rather, erm, interesting individuals.

Your first day had been mostly fine. You made a few acquaintances in your class (namely a one Watanabe Hisashi, who you keenly remembered being the boy who had taken your spot at the top of the class in junior high), and each teacher that came in seemed to be normal. Then, lunchtime came around.

You had just grabbed your bento when you realized that you had forgotten to pack something to drink. You grabbed a few coins from your cubby, excused yourself from the room, and set out on your mission to find a vending machine before break was over. After a few minutes of speed walking and trying to not run into anyone, you found the glorious vending machine.

Staring in amazement at all of the drink options, the only thought on your mind was whether you wanted milk or orange juice. You eventually decided on the milk, and fumbled with the coins before pushing them into the little slot and pressing the correct button. You quickly grabbed the carton, and immediately popped it open and inserted the straw and took a sip. Looking up at the clock to check the time, you cursed in your mind and started at a place that wouldn't get you reprimanded by a teacher passing by, but still fast enough to get back to your room to properly enjoy your lunch.

In your food-driven mind, you didn't think of the consequences of you not slowing down before turning the corner just before your room. Your eyes widened as you sharply turned the corner, and so did someone else. Your hand unconsciously clenched at the milk carton in your hand, and so it promptly spurted out at your brand new blouse and skirt.

You hadn't even looked up to see who it was that you ran into, and instead let out a quiet, "Damn it." you couldn't exactly go to your dorm and change in the middle of the day, not unless you wanted to skip lunch. As you mourned your lost milk and soiled clothes, someone in front of you snickered.

Head instantly shooting up to stare at whoever it was that was responsible for the death of your milk, you were greeted by the sight of a bespectacled, brown-haired boy who was hiding his grin terribly behind his hand. You opened your mouth, eyebrows furrowed in fury, but he somewhat composed himself before speaking.

"You should really watch where you're going, " he said. "Especially when you're carrying an open carton of..." he paused for a moment to look at the carton that was slowly getting more and more crushed in your hand, "milk."

"It wasn't just my fault, " you shot back. "You weren't paying attention either." You grimaced at the feeling of milk dribbling down your wrist, and it was then that you realized how tightly you were clenching the carton, and you loosened it.

"Sigh, " did he just say sigh out loud? "I guess I owe you milk then."

You actually sighed, before dismissively waving your hand at him and making your way around him. "It's fine, " you said a little snappily. It wasn't something to dwell on; you were sure that he wasn't even in your class. There was only a small chance that you would see him in the future. You needed to find the nearest trash can, and hopefully at least some napkins.

After cleaning yourself up best you could while still saving some time to actually eat, you make your way back to your classroom, clothes slightly damp and smelling faintly of milk. As you sat down at your seat and opened your bento, you silently vowed to never run while holding an open carton of milk ever again.

As you picked at your food, Watanabe, who you were having a polite conversation with before you left, turned around to face you.

"I thought you left to go get something to drink? Did you get lost?" he asked. You grumbled out a reply that consisted of that he could barely comprehend, consisting of words like hurry, ran into, dumb glasses, and a few other, ahem, choice words. He just nodded in understanding before changing the subject to something or other. He was a nice guy, so you didn't home much of a grudge against him for getting higher scores than you.

Summer at Dawn // DnAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora