As Sharp As Wire

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This image is for Misty
"Help!" You scream as you a zombie like creature starts to charge at you and you couldn't help but run. You had a feeling that there were more people there but they were all just locked away in a different part of the hospital. As thoughts started to swarm your head you didn't realize the giant hole in that floor. Falling faster and faster you thought it would never end until you hit the floor, and you hit it hard. You ended up smashing you head on the floor causing it the bleed. ~what if those things can smell blood?~ you thought to yourself as you started getting up. You looked up to see yourself in what seemed like the old ward. As you started to stager down the long hallway you started feeling dizzy, your body was getting hot and you started hearing voices. ~what the hell is happening to me!~ you thought to yourself as you fell to the ground.

After what seemed like hours you finally started to gain conciseness, even though your head hurt that didn't stop you from trying to find out where you were. You ran up to the door and looked you the barred window, you didn't know what came over you but you smashed the window and unlocked the door. As the door swung open you tried to walk out but you felt a sudden sharp pain go through your body, almost like you were being stabbed with spiked wire. "Agh!" You yelled in pain as the pain started to get worse, at the surface of you skin you could see little spikes our wire sticking out. "What the hell!" You cried as the pain was so unbearable. Suddenly a boy in a white hood flashed into the room, the boy looked very badly burnt. "There is no point." The boy said. "Please help me! I don't know how much more pain I can take." You cried as you fell to your knees. You fell on your side and started to cry as the boy started to laugh, the boy got on one knee and lifted you up. He carried you bridal style down the hallway to another room. "Just whatever you do try to stay as still as possible. If you have to scream then scream." The boy said. At that moment you had no idea what was going on until you saw the boy with a pair of wire cutters, he was going to cut the wires off of you! Without warning the started cutting the wire and ripping it off of you, you cried in pain as tears started to fall, then you passed out.

~Ruvik's P.O.V~
I just stood there as she cried in pain while she could feel the wires pierce through her skin. The thought of people getting hurt made me happy but for some reason her pain didn't. Her pain made me feel sad like I wanted to help her, like I had to help her. I made my choice, I'm going to cut the wires off of her. I took her to my old experimenting lab and placed her on the table, I then started to cut and rip the wires off of her. I guess she couldn't take the pain anymore cause she passed out. There now all of the wires are gone and she won't be in so much pain anymore, but what was it about her that made me help her? She was just lying there on the tab
Le like a lifeless soul, her light brown hair shimmering in the light. Absolutely beautiful! She started to gain conciseness so I sat in a chair in a corner of the room and just stared at her. Her beautiful light blue eyes just went perfect with you light brown hair, everything about her was just so perfect. She sat up and started to moan in pain, she looked up at me and her eyes shimmered in the light. "Your welcome" I said to her then I transported myself to another room in the hospital.

Your P.O.V
The wires were gone and you felt better already. You tried standing a couple of times but you kept falling down, you moaned in frustration. As you looked up at the wall you saw flowers painted on it with your note and a note at the bottom.

I hope you feel better and I hope you aren't in so much pain anymore.

The Evil Within Ruvik ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora