Chapter 20

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Téa and Atem returned from their visit to Egypt with an important artefact, the one that could lead to their victory. Téa insisted for Atem to be included in the discovery of the Great Library of Alexandria, she was going to find a way for him to pursue his dream, Atem deserved it. For now, they had other issues to solve. The mirror wasn't working, something was missing but what?

They were on the quay, one of their favourite places as it turned out. Téa was looking at her reflection in the mirror. Téa had no answer to this riddle. How could Téa fix something even Teana couldn't?

"Téa, look at me." At Atem's voice, Téa glanced at him. "I know how strongly you want to fix it, but you need to relax. You're too tense."

"I know, I just want to complete it." Téa sighed closing her eyes.

Recalling her first encounter with the mirror and the power that came from it. On the outside, it looked like an ordinary hand mirror. Its true source and power came from this inside. The glass's very source was energy. Probably the thing Teana missed was that. Teana had given it the energy to bring it to life, but she couldn't give too much. Maybe if Téa gave it some of hers, the mirror would be complete. Téa opened her eyes, a new hope shining in them. Téa pecked Atem quickly on the check before taking out the mirror.

"Mirror in my hand, wake up in this land," the words came out spontaneously.

Focusing all her energy, Téa willed it to flow into the item in her hands. Téa felt the warmth flow through her, lifting her hair like a halo. The light grew stronger, filling the artefact with power. What kind of object it was? It was feeding on energy, taking away magic power. That was it, Teana had found and created a thing that could suck out all the stolen magic the Spell Thieves possessed. After the spell was done, Téa didn't feel as weak as the previous time. Her energy wasn't stolen; it was a gift, given out of her own free will.

"That's it, the mirror is complete. Its purpose is to take the magicians' energy." Téa announced when she was done.

The light breeze changed to colder, wicked air. Téa's smile faded from her face. There was something evil in the air or someone. Both Atem and Téa turned to look for the threat lurking nearby.

Gauntlez and Reed observed their preys on the roof of a warehouse building. The new time sorceress was nothing like her predecessor. She was weak and stupid. Her boyfriend might've been something a few millennia ago but without his power, he was useless to them. The Millennium items were gone, sealed away. The pharaoh was of no interest to the Spell Thieves.

"That bitch, do you think what she has in her hand is that damn mirror?" Reed asked angrily.

"Don't worry, it didn't help her ancestor, it won't help her now." Anyway, Gauntlez had a backup plan in case it turned out to be a problem for them.

"Having a nice romantic outing on the quay, how pathetic. Shall we ruin it for them?" Reed's smile was almost as cruel as Alazar's. Both enjoyed tormenting their victims before finishing them.

"Let's do it." Gauntlez couldn't appreciate their cruelness more. They did his dirty job, so they were also free to act.

Jumping from the storehouse, they landed on the ground swiftly and quietly. Running with super speed, they ran towards their unsuspecting victims. Soon, the time magic would be theirs. The leather-clothed magicians emerged from the shadows towards Téa and Atem.

"Well, well, look who we found," Reed spoke, too impatient to enjoy the verbal assault. "Our little sorceress and her pharaoh." Reed licked his lips theatrically.

"What do you want?" Téa spoke first.

"The usual – your powers and..." Reed stopped for more drama breathing in the air, making her uncomfortable. "Ah, and a no longer virgin flesh." Reed laughed maniacally.

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