Breaking Free

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            I headed downstairs, careful not to step on the creaky step on my way down.  As I reached the main level, I saw mom sprawled out on the couch, a beer bottle in hand, her graying hair flowing over the couch.  Silently, I grabbed my brown book bag off the counter, grabbed an apple and a bottle of water, and slipped out the door, and closed it soundlessly behind me.  I heard my bus chugging down the road so I jogged down to the end of my driveway, quickly taking a sip of my water, before shoving it into my bag with my apple.  Looking into the sixth window back, I saw an all too familiar smile and wave just like every other day.  I self consciously fixed my white blouse and headed up the steps into the bus.  I walked to my seat and sat down next to my best friend, Alexi.  She had golden blond hair that cascaded down her shoulders, completely complimenting her thin figure.  Her blue eyes shone with happiness as she grinned at me.


            "Hey, Casey!" she exclaimed.  One more thing about Alexi-she is full of energy.

            "Hey, Honey." I responded, using the nickname that I gave to all the people I loved.

            "So, how are you doing?" she asked.

            "I'm fine, Hun.  And you?"

            "Everything's great!  I finished all my homework early and got to chill out and watch a movie with my mom."  Alexi was one of those girls that surprisingly didn't mind hanging with her parents.  A painful thought of how I had always gotten mad at my dad when he tried to talk to me in the mall.  I had always pushed him away.  Now that he was gone, I wanted him more than ever.

            "That's nice, Hun.  What movie did you watch?"

            "We watched the original YOURS MINE AND OURS, with Lucille Ball."

            I let out a smile, "She's my favorite actress of all time."

            "Casey, don't you think I should know this stuff by now?  We've been friends since diaper days." It was true; the Johansson's and the Simons had always been friends since they went to college together.

            "I guess so, Hun.  But you know how I am."

            "Forgetful?" Alexi cut in.

            I rolled my eyes, "I'm NOT forgetful.  I just..."

            "Forget things easily?" she chimed in.

            "Oh, shut up!"

            Alexi gave me a goofy look and we both started cracking up.  The bus pulled to a stop, and Macy Mc Mason strutted onto the bus, her six inch heels clacking with every step.  She wore a hot pink mini skirt and a too low v-neck that showed her obviously fake boobs.  Her blond hair fell down her shoulders, shaking with every swing of her hips.  She glared at me.

            "Casey, you're a fucking bitch." And with that she walked away.

            Alexi stared at me with her mouth wide open in shock, "I thought she stopped saying that."

            "Alexi, Macy has insulted me or cussed at me every day since I started taking the same bus as her.  Gosh, and you say I'M the one with the short term memory loss."

            "But Casey, you shouldn't let her push your around like that." Alexi whined as the bus pulled to a stop in front of the school, "Enough is enough-we are in our sophomore year.  It's time for her to cut it out already.  Casey, you need to be more...more 'badass'--like me!" she instructed gleefully. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2011 ⏰

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