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I walked in the cherry garden

looking out for our memories.

It was the only place where we,

walked for hours and read stories,

where the first time you met me.

I picked each cherry blossom's petal

which had fallen afresh from tree

and crept it in my husk basket

slowly and delicately.

As i walked a little more,

I reached the place where we sat,

and looked at each other dreamingly,

for future, good and bad.

I picked a thusand pink petals

which were afresh, fragrated and new.

With the finest silk thread 

and a slimy, slender needle,

I wove it in a net.

In a net which I designed for you

In covet of our love.

The design in the end

was of course, a garland.

A garland I made for you,

with sweet things written on petals

with every word i wrote for you

my love grew even deeper.

I shoved an artificial petal too

for, others would dry out soon,

but that petal will never dry

defining our love of eternity.

Just waiting for the perfect time,

To reach to our destiny...

CHERRY BLOSSOM GARLANDWhere stories live. Discover now