Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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CHapter 1:

Skylar woke up with a start. Great. Another day in hell, aka school. She stands up and walked over to the cracked mirror on the wall, which reprisented her heart. She brushed her brown wavy locks and threw them into a high messy bun, Her large sky blue orbs stared back at her in the mirror. She hated the monster that looked back at her. She brushed away theise thoughts as she walked over to er dresser. Skylar put on her My Chemical Romance tee and black leggings that she wears every day (Author's note: omggg~~~ me too. comment if this is your daily outfit uwu. twinningwith skylar XD). She slipped on her combat boots and grabbed her 5sos backpack. Lastly, she grabbed her frog beanie off her desk, and held it close. She whispered softly, "plwase come back" it was the last remaining parcel her mom had given her right before she died.

She walked down the creaky stairs, and peeked over the railing. she glanced into the living room, and spotted the deamon her step mom calls a dog. Bella (Author;s Note: that's our best friends name XDD. don't worry she said it was ok that she was in the story, as a b*tch lolololol). I cant even make it to the bottom of the steps before her beady eyes lock onto me. she starts barking agressivly, then skurries toward the big recliner in the living room where her abusive stepmother was waiting for her. "Skylar! I hate you!!!! You're dad and i can no longer afford to keep you, you're such a brat. I put you up for adoption last night and your new owners are in the kitchen!" I wasnt even phased, she talks to her disgusting rat of a dog. She hit me and I didn't even flinch, I was so used to it. She pushes me toward the kitchen, and i keep my eyes on the floor. I don't even want to look up at the new people i have to cal "parents".

"ello Love" a mysterious voice calls out to me.

I'm too afraid to look up.

"Look up you tupid girl!!" the witch bellows.

I force my icy blue spheres to glance up in the direction of the voice. But, instead of seeing a gross couple, my eyes are met with a handsome young man. I do a double take and i realize I am face to face with Harry Styles! One Direction was standing in my kitchen!

"Why hello there love," Harrie said. I couldn't contain my excitement. Before I could even say anything my devil of a step mother chimed in: "It's time for you to leave. NOW."

Before she could kick us out, Skylar went upstairs to pack her bags. As she packed she thought everything she new about one Direction. They were a band. Harry was 18,Louis was 20, and all of the rest of the boys were 19. She wasn't allowed to listen to their music tho, because her stepmom called it 'devil music". She was overjoyed when she grabbed her fall out boy suitcase. she hummed "thnks fr th mmrs" to herself as she packed all of her band tee's. Then she had two meticulously pack all of my favorite posters.She glanced at her cardboard cut out of brendon Urin and decided to leave it as a gift for her step mom. Her room was pretty bare to begin with, so there wasn't much to pack.

She wasn't sure if One Direction would let her have pets where they lives so she mouthed "i'm sorry" to her only friend, José, her goldfish who she won at a carnival and snuck into her house without her step mom knowing, she kept him in a clear 32 oz water bottle with the TARDIS. on it. Brendon can take care of him for me. She didn't want to make aa bad first impression on the boys.

She took one last look at the room she's lived in for my whole life, the cracked mirror, the broken windows and the dirty floor boards she has lived in for 17 teen years of her life. She stiffled a laugh and smiled quietly. Home. she brushed a tear away and walked out.

She trudged down the stairs, and Louie was waiting for her at the bottom. "Are you ready to go?" Shewas too shy to answer, so she just nodded as shetwiddled her fingers and played with her hair. it was a nervous habit she had sinse she was a kid.  He grabbed her hands and said "its ok your safe with us now." Nail appears from the dark shadows of the hallway and snarls. "come on you lazy ass, we don't have all day. Simon just called, and were needed in the studio. Ugh" he grabbed her bags agressibly, and smirks when he sees the fall out boy suitcase. Louis grabbed her hand gently and said, "don't worry about him, he gits nervous around new people, hel'l warm up eventually" she smiled softly, and they were out the door.

The boys brought her over to a black stretch limo.My stomach growled aggressively, i hadn't eaten since tuesday. "Wait, was that your stomach love?" harry pulled out a twinkie out from his pocket, "ialways keep a spare, for emergency's" he winked. How did he know that twinkies were Skylar's favorite?? " STOP wasting time, it's time to go to the studio," niall said in his heavy Irish accent, liam rolled his eyes and said, "stop being so uptight you hotdog". "but shoudlnt we take Sky home first so she can have an actual meal??" zayne said. Skylar smiled with her eyes at the nickname.She's never had a nickname before. "is it ok if we call you Sky, love" Harry asked, turning towards her. she nodded quickly, blushing slightly. "Great, she has a new name. Anyway, we have food at the studio" Niall spat out. "u-um-m actu-ually i-i-i'm no t that h-hung-gry" she silently whispered. "It's ok, there's FFOOD at the STUDIO" Liam exclaims excitedly. he begins listing all of the fatty snacks that a teen could ever dream of. Skylar didn't protest anymore, because she didn't want to upset them or cause a scene. She dint want a repeat of last time.

Before she got into the car, she took one last look at the house, she couldn't believe the abuse was finally over. she, without regret, got in the car.

end of chaper 1

Authors Note: What's going to happen????? Has skylar finally escaped the abuse????? keep reading to find oUt!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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