Chapter 1

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There is a lot going on in this world.Climate change, poverty, homelessness, and more. But have you ever considered that us cows are being cruelly abused? Females are being forced to reproduce, Females must make milk for the humans, if they do something wrong they will get whipped, and if they are too old to produce anything else, they get sold or eaten and we do not see again them. And for men they fatten them up to slaughter because it costs them less.

Hi, I am Nina and I stand for cows all around the world. I used to live in Kentucky with my master, my friends, and my Mom. I loved my Mom very much, more than she will ever know.When I was a calf, I remember my Mom and I playing in our secret fields. One day we wandered off the farm and found an immense field! It was beautiful, and we called it our Special Hideout. She would bring me there as often as she could, but she was apparently "The Prime age for tasty milk," so the farmers kept her day and night to get more milk out of her.It never satisfied them with how much she gave them.

They always wanted more.

She was the one who inspired me to fight for cows and stand up for what's right. One day she was too old to do anything, and some men came and drove her away in a van. The last thing she said to me was,"We cows fight for what's right. Never stop fighting, my Nina."She loved me more than she loved her silage. I miss her every single second of every day. That night, my sibling and I met in the night, and it devastated us about what happened to our mom. We were trying to think of all the places she could have gone. My friend was there too, her name was Luna, she was very dark.She said what we all got scared to even think, "What if she got slaughtered??"Everyone froze. Slaughtered cows were almost like a legend to us, because we never thought it was true.

We thought the humans love us.

Once we went back to the barn, we heard some noise coming in from the master's barn. Master forbid us to go there, and if one of us did we would get whipped, get sold, or even worse, get slaughtered. Maybe like my Mom.

* * *

A few years later,

Master came to Angus and started feeding him. Angus is my closest friend. He was best friends with my mom and he loves me. Master kept on feeding Angus. At one point, Angus was so full that he flopped down. Master pulled Angus to his barn, and I started hearing Angus mooing loudly and slapping.Master was whipping Angus,

* * *The next day, almost everyone went to Angus to see if he was okay. By almost everyone, I mean everyone but Luna. I walked toward Luna to ask her why she wasn't with anyone else. I asked her, "Why aren't you with anyone else? Don't you want to go check if Angus is okay?" All that she did was look up at me and whisper, "They will try to get you. Be careful." What? who will get me? How can I be careful when I don't know who's trying to get me?? I asked her, "Luna? What do you mean by that? Who is trying to get me?"She didn't respond.

It crept me out. I just got back to business and went to Angus and asked him if he was okay."Angus, are you hurt? That was loud slapping yesterday." He looked at me and for a moment there I thought he would say something weird, like Luna. But then he just whispered, "Yeah, I've been telling them all that I'm okay, but I'm really not. I feel like dying." "Well we all hope you feel better soon." I said bye to Angus and then I went to Bessy. She was the oldest cow that was on the farm. And the wisest. So I walked to her, and she saw me there and said, "Hi Mini." She had horrible sight, but her memory was as sharp as the tip of a knife. "No, I am Nina, not Mini." Mini was her granddaughter. "I need to ask you a question." You had to speak in full sentences to her, otherwise she wouldn't understand. "Yes, yes, what is it?" she said, acting like she didn't get my name wrong. "Are slaughterers real? And if so, did my mom get slaughtered?" I asked her. "Oh yes, your mom, Bella. Ah, such a delight." Bessy closed her eyes and tried to think the best that she could of the day. "They took her. Killers." I knew Bessy was the perfect person to ask about this because she snuck out to see where the van was taking my mother herself. "A cow skull painting on the door. I closed my eyes, wishing it was a dream, but I realized it wasn't. Then when I opened it. She was g-" She couldn't even finish herself because she was sobbing. I patted her. Everyone loved my mom. Everyone admired her. But there was a reason. Apart from being kind. And I just had to figure it out.

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