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Hello, everyone. I'm ImberLapis. Here we find ourselves at the beginning of a continuation, and it's to a story that desperately needs proper closure. Anyways, this is My Last Chance.

For those who don't know the world of Made in Abyss or the story of My Last Dive, you'll need the context of at least MLD to enjoy this story. Fortunately, the prequel is written in a way that anyone could read it, as the MC learns about the world of MiA alongside the reader. If you're interested in reading this story but don't know anything about MiA, you can read MLD and come back to this one. It's a long read, but it's worth your time as I believe it's the best thing I've written on this site.

   For those who do know the story of MLD, more canon characters cameo in this story. If you're an anime-only fan who came to MLD, there will be heavy manga spoilers included considering the lore of MiA presented during the Idofront Arc/the third MiA movie Dawn of the Deep Soul.

An important note for those who have seen the movie/read the manga: I'll be referring to Bondrewd's Praying/Umbra Hands as two different groups despite the name changes being localizations from Japanese to English. The reasons for these changes will be made evident in the story itself.

Lastly and obviously, this story features headcanons of mine, creatures I created, and now locations/countries I created. The most recent manga chapter at the time of me posting this disclaimer is Ch. 62, so there may be possible contradictions in the lore in the future.

As for the content warnings, these are more grievous than MLD's:
•Moderate blood, gore, and violence, including violence against minors and animals
•Child experimentation
•Heavy swearing
•Moderately-graphic descriptions
•Mild religious themes
•Moderate occurrences of and heavy references to death
•Depictions of PTSD
•Mentionings of suicide; the first arc of the story greatly focuses on suicidal ideations and urges
•Minor depictions of self-harm (sporadic throughout the story)

If you're interested in reading on, I welcome you back to the world of MiA. Let's see how Len's story ends in My Last Chance.

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