Interview with FireStar9801

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This is the first interview I've done, so hope it's enjoyable!


What is your name and age?

My name is MiKayla, and I'm 12 years old.

Where are you from?

I'm from Kentucky, still living there now.

What first inspired you to start writing?

I think the first thing that really inspired me to start writing is when we had to write a story for the school newspaper, and I really enjoyed writing, so I just kept going.

As for inspiration for each story, however, no author can truly say where why got their inspiration. An idea can come in a dream, a sound, something you see or read. There are endless possibilities where inspiration can come from.

How long have you been writing?

I've been writing since I was about 9 years old, when I wrote the story for our newspaper. Looking back at that piece now, it makes me cringe when I read it.

Which do you like better: Writing or Reading?

I'd honestly have to say I like reading more, because when you read, you are drawn into this entire world that someone else created, and there isn't much thinking involved what so ever. When you write, their is a huge amount of thinking and typing and fixing mistakes involved.

Even with that, I enjoy writing as well because it gives me a chance to be creative and make other people happy.

Which of your books do you enjoy writing better?

The book I most definatly enjoy writing more is 'Just because you're my kidnapper doesn't mean I have to listen to you!'. That story just comes to me easier.

Who is your favorite authors on wattpad?

My favorite authors on wattpad would have to be racingheart, DramaFreak, and britski. They're the best.

What about favorite authors outside of wattpad?

My favorite authors outside of wattpad would probably be J.K. Rowling, Gail Carson Levine, Avi, and L.J. Smith.

Have you ever experienced writers block? How do you get over it?

Almost all writers have experience writers block, along with me. It's a writers worst nightmare! I usually get over it by taking a break from writing for about a day, and when I come back to the computer, I have new ideas.

Thanks for this interview. Have a great day!

Thank you for interviewing me! You too!



[a/n] Hope you enjoyed this! Comment if you'd like to be interviewed as well!



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