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AN: Another challenge one-shot, this time for Merlin.

Word of the day: Gleed - Glowing coal

Quote of the day: "Heaven grant us patience with a man in love" - Rudyard Kipling

I don't own Merlin!

"   " is speech

'    ' is thoughts


"Merlin!" Arthur yelled. "What do you think of this poem I wrote for Guinevere?"

As he read the outstretched piece of parchment, Merlin tried to stifle his laughter at the truly awful poem (though it could hardly be called a poem it was so bad).

"Perhaps you should try again sire? I do not feel that this poem correctly captures the depth of your lo- Ouch!"

Arthur hit him over the head with his plate, before sighing and sitting down again. "Is it really that bad?"

"To put it eloquently, worse."

"Don't use long words Merlin, they really don't suit you." Arthur glowered at the manservant.

'If only he knew about some of the spells I've cast!' thought Merlin, grinning to himself, before catching it and remembering how serious the situation was. If Arthur gave Guinevere that poem, she would most likely kill him and then Albion would never be united, their destinies never fulfilled. Gaius would help him, and supposed he just slipped on the way out and the poem ended up in the fire? 'Yes. That's a plan.'

***Later on in Gaius' Chambers***

"Gaius!" Merlin exclaimed, running into the room with flushed cheeks, panting heavily. Arthur had given him extra chores as a punishment for "accidentally" dropping the poem into the fire.

"Merlin, what is it? Is there another magical beast in the castle?" Gaius questioned worriedly, wondering what on Albion could be trying to kill the King now.

"It's Arthur!" Merlin managed to get out between gulps of breath.

"Is he hurt? Sick?" Gaius was wondering what would cause his ward such stress.

Finally sitting down, Merlin managed to say "No no. He wrote a poem for Gwen and it was just terrible and if she got it she would have killed him, destiny be damned!"

Gaius tried not to laugh, to no use. Soon he was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face.

"Gaius!" said Merlin, feeling annoyed with how his mentor had taken the news of this dire situation.

"Don't worry Merlin. I remember reading somewhere about a spell that makes the recipient a poetic genius. Now where was it..."

So the two spent the night searching through books, until Merlin shouted "Here! Gaius!" waking the man up from where he was snoring, head in a book.

"Whmeryodohemepralff.." Came Gaius' very intelligent reply.

"I found the spell! Arthur is saved!"

"That's all very good Merlin, but how are you supposed to cast it without Arthur noticing?" Noticing the grin on Merlin's face, he sighed wearily. "I'm not going to like this am I?"

***At a  more reasonable hour of morning***

"Rise and shine!" Merlin said cheerfully (and perhaps a little bit louder than comfortable for one half asleep).

"Go away Merlin. Thanks to you I have to write another poem for Guinevere." Arthur groaned, awakening from his sleep, rubbing his eyes groggily.

"Ah yes, of course sire. However that will have to wait for a bit."


"Gaius wants to see you!" grinned Merlin.

"Very well then, you can start by polishing my armour - please try not to injure yourself this time, it would be a hassle to get a new manservant - cleaning my room and then meet me at the training grounds at midday. The knights could use a bit more target practice."

"Of course sire."

Merlin left the room, running as fast as he could to Gaius' chambers, hiding in his room to put the next stage of the plan into action.

Peeking out of the door and seeing the Prince in position, Merlin whispered the spell, his eyes turning gold. "Dod yn feistr bardd. Dod yn feistr bardd."

Gaius had had plenty of experience, but he just was not very good at telling lies and fabricating stories.

"I just heard there was a bad case of the flu going around, and I wanted to check that you were alright sire. It wouldn't do for you to be sick now, would it? Fortunately you seem to be fine, but do not hesitate to come and see me if you suspect something might be up, I have developed a rather fine antidote"

"Thank you for your concern Gaius, but I am in perfect health. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a poem to write for my Guinevere!"

And with that Arthur beamed dreamily and skipped - yes skipped - out of the room.

"Do you think I overdid it a bit?" asked Merlin, shocked and just a bit disturbed at the actions of the Prince.

***Guinevere's House***

That night, when Gwen came home after a hard day's work, she was surprised and very pleased to find a large bouquet of flowers that smelled simply divine with an envelope. Opening the envelope she found a love poem from Arthur.

Your hair is like the finest silk, curly and long

I will love you when the fire is blazing, burning strong

Your eyes they are so gentle, so warm and oh so bright

I will love you by the fireside, amongst the dying light

The moments I'm with you, are the best that I remember

I will love you when all that is left is glowing embers

Your smile is pure and free, angels would be jealous of

I will love you when the last gleed is dead and gone

Smiling, Guinevere took one last sniff of the flowers, before going to bed, dreaming all night sweet dreams of her and Arthur, dancing in the twilight by a dying fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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