Gaurdian angel

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Five. That's how old I was when my parents killed each other. I was there when they did it, they said to me. "Kai, darling. This, this is all your fault. You're a devil child. We never loved you and we suffered because of you. Now we don't have to." Then they shot each other. I was so confused. I didn't  have many friends, only Katsuki and Izuku. I didn't have any relatives so I couldn't go to any of them for help. I just sat in the living room for days, I didn't know what to do. I had missed three days of school apparently, so Mitsuki came to check on me and talk with my parents. She knocked on the door and didn't get an answer. She noticed the door was unlocked so she came in, Katsuki behind her. She walked into the living room to find me, curled up in a ball staring at my parent's dead bodies. She ran up to me and enveloped me in a hug. I didn't have any tears left to cry, I was too dehydrated and starved. "Kai honey? What happened? Are you okay?" She asked me frantically. "M-mommy and dad-d, They said it's m-my fault. They told me they suffered because of me. Then they, they shot each other. Days ago." I said looking up at her on the verge of dying. She just fought back tears and hugged me. "Don't worry, you can live with us. You don't have to be alone anymore." She said sadly. "Mom? What's going on?" Katsuki asked from the doorway, utterly confused. She let go of me and walked over to her son. "Katsuki dear, Kai's parents.. killed each other. She's coming to live with us now." She said delicately, holding her son's hands in her's. He just nodded and looked at me. I just stood there, my hair falling over my face. I walked to my room, ignoring Mitsuki as she called for me. I walked into my room and grabbed my backpack. I got my favorite clothes and my dog who layed on my bed. He was in just as bad of a condition as I was. "Puppy, let's go boy. We're going to Katsuki's house." I said patting his head. He was a Doberman puppy. I got him for my third birthday. I haven't thought of a name yet so I just called him puppy. Puppy and I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room where Mitsuki and Katsuki waited. "Can I bring puppy?" I asked hugging my dog, fearing losing him. She nodded kindly and took us into her car. We drove to her house and went inside. Her husband was confused and she told Katsuki and I to go upstairs as she explained it to him. Katsuki and I went into his room and I just sat on the floor with puppy. "Are you okay Kai?" He asked concerned. "Yeah. Do you have any food for puppy? We haven't eaten in three days." I asked patting puppy's head. He nodded and left his room to go downstairs. I just hugged puppy to my chest and feel asleep on the floor.

I woke up suddenly, shooting up from my spot on the floor. Puppy licked my face and I relaxed. Katsuki's door opened and his mom entered the room with a tray of food, him following behind. She sat down in front of me and smiled. "Here Kai, eat up. Katsuki told me you haven't eaten. And I got some food for puppy too." She said handing me a bowl of curry. I hesitated but took it and scarfed it down. "Thank you. Do you have any water?" I asked, my voice hoarse and gravely. She nodded and stood up, leaving the room. Katsuki sat down in her place. "What should I name him?" I asked trying to distract myself. Katsuki just stayed silent for a moment. "What's your quirk?" He asked. "Did you get your's yet?" I asked looking at him. "Yeah, and I'm gunna be the number on hero!" He shouted happily. I just smiled and nodded. My parents quirks were 'phionex' and 'wolf'. My mother had the abilities of a wolf along with wolf ears and tail. She could also turn into a wolf. She was basically a werewolf. My father had the abilities of the mythical animal called a phionex. He could fly with his large black wings on his back, teleport but when he did a pile of ash was left in his previous spot, and he could control and create fire. My parents hoped I would get both of their quirks or else their quirk marriage would 'have been for nothing'. They were both highly respected heros. "What's your quirk?" Katsuki asked me now completely focused on my answer. "I got both of my parent's quirks. There isn't a name for it yet but I'm pretty sure you know their quirks. My mom is basically a werewolf and my dad is like that mythical fire bird called a phionex." I said looking down at puppy to keep myself from crying. "That's so cool! My quirk is explosions!" He said excitedly.

Time skip. Your 16 now. You and bakugou go to the same middle school as Midoriya.

"Kai! Katsuki! Get your asses up! You'll be late for school!" Mom (Mitsuki) yelled from downstairs. I got up and stretched my legs, heading to the bathroom. I bumped into Katsuki on my way out of my room. "Watch where your going Rocky." He said mockingly. "Okay then firecracker." I laughed back at him. He growled and went downstairs. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Once I finished I finger combed my short black and red hair, slicking it back messily with gel. I left the bathroom and got into my uniform. I fought the urge to light my skirt on fire as I got my leg unstuck. I finished dressing and went downstairs into the kitchen. "Morning mom, dad." I said grabbing bacon off my pan that was still on the stove. "Kai! Don't do that you'll burn yourself!" Mom yelled at me. "Mom, I'm fire proof. I could lay my hand on the hot stove like this... and would be fine." I said as I moved the pan and replaced it with my hand. "Kai!" Mom yelled again. "Okay, okay. I'll stop." I laughed putting the pan back. Dad just chuckled and shook his head. I ate my bacon and followed Katsuki outside. "Bye we're going to school!" I yelled over my shoulder as I left the house. "Why do you always stick your hand into fire and shit? Are you some kinda fucking masochist or some thing?" Katsuki asked me as we walked to school. "I don't know, it just fun to see mom react to it. I wonder what she would do if I laid on the stove." I said now talking to myself more than katsuki now. "Fucking masochist. Don't lay on the damn stove." He growled as we walked through the gate. This was it, our last day of middle school. Me and Katsuki had an odd relationship. We aren't related so we (mostly me) flirt with each other. But we live together and I'm close enough with his family to call them my own. So it's kinda odd, but I (although I refuse to admit it) have a crush on him. I've had one since we were like five. I don't know how he feels about me but that's okay.

My flaming angel. (Kirishima x Bakugou x reader x Dabi x todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now