Character Intro

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Yeah, the name's  Seijuro Cruz. Last time I checked, I was 18 years old, but then the War happened. Maybe you can fill in the details yourself. Spirits stormed into my home, killed both my parents and took my only sister, Jade. I almost died. Hell, I should've died. No one survives a cut throat. Not when you've been left bleeding for hours on end. Still, I didn't die. When I woke up, I had this weird feeling in my hands, like they were heating up. That's when I learned about my power.

In this post-War world, they call me the Blacksmith. I can literally make weapons out of scrap. Give me a piece of anything that's iron, and all I need to do is close my eyes imagine something in my head. When I open my eyes, I'm holding an epic piece of bad-assery in my hand. That's it. I don't know how I got this, but I'm sure as hell that I'm gonna use it to find Jade. I know she's still alive. Until I see her cold, dead corpse with my own two eyes, she's not dead yet. Believe it.

I don't give a twat about this Humanity versus Spirits thing. All of Humanity can die for all I care, but since the only way I can replenish whatever it is that allows me to use Forging is to absorb Spirits-by defeating them of course- I guess I have no choice but to fight on Humanity's side. The second I find my sister, though, I'm leaving them to die...

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