My name's rosey

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Ms.homophobic p.o.v. (lily)

"Get out of my way you bisexual freak"

"My name's R-Rosey" she whispered, her eyes meeting the floor.

"I wouldn't care if your god damn name was Barack fucking obama now get away from me and stay the hell out of my way."

Rosey p.o.v.

I don't know why everybody hates me, I mean I know why, but why should it matter who I like? or who I love? And lily is becoming too much of a word I shall not say to ignore.

Lilys p.o.v.

I don't know why I hate Rosey so much but I just do, and everytime I see her I just feel anger and so much of it, I mean she's never done anything to me, maybe I'm just jealous of her. yeah​ maybe.. she's really good looking with her long wavy brown hair. Hazel eyes and a petite fragile figure and her body is-.wait WHAT THE fuck am I thinking?! I'm just tired, yeah that's it?

Roseys p.o.v.

My last class had just ended, walking towards the exit a girls scream stopped me. I ran towards the back of the school and dropped my stuff completely. I see lily punching a girl, whose name I think is Georgia. "LILY!,LILY STOP!" Lily pushed me to the ground as I picked Georgia up.

"Lily what the hell did she do to you!?" I roared, lily looked down at the floor guilty. I needed to get Georgia to the hospital I glared at lily and carried the broken girl to my car.

Lily p.o.v.

What's wrong with me!? I can't help myself, Georgia told me to stop hurting Rosey, to leave her alone, and that she can't take it anymore. "why should I? I had asked her "why do you care about her?" I had snapped at her. Georgia looked at the floor blushing and before I knew it I was punching her in the stomach and I couldn't stop myself, anger flooded through me when I found out that she liked Rosey.
My thoughts were driving me crazy I was going insane with thoughts of her, but feelings I don't think so, it can't be. And that was the end of that.

Mrs. HomophobicWhere stories live. Discover now