'Unpublished Gem of Wattpad' Leader Board -March 10, 2013

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Hey all,

Happy Easter everyone! I wonder what all of you are doing and hope everyone got a lot of chocolate, presents and other goodies. I love Easter as it is one of those times that you can just enjoy the company of different family members.

But there is no resting for me yet until I announce the first runner up and the winner of the ‘Unpublished Gem of Wattpad Competition’!

Before I do, I just want to thank everyone who has entered so far. The competition wouldn’t have been a success without you. The judges and I have had the pleasure of reading some amazing stories, all with different themes and messages for their audience.

There were a lot of laughs and disagreements while reading the entries but it was just because everyone who entered had something important to add to the competition. I feel like I have been exposed to a wealth of creativity and am so glad that I joined Wattpad and got involved.  I believe that if more of your stories were published in the mainstream publishing arena, we all could read something unique every day.

And now we are down to the last two in the competition. I know all of you have been waiting for this moment and without any delay; the second runner up is Dragon’s Treasure – Maya_2011 The judges and I loved the energy and the imagination in this story and are glad that your story made it into the final few.

And finally, I am excited to reveal that the winner is Memoirs of an Outlaw: Life in the Sandbox – Bob Tanner. Their story was impossible to put down and every time I read it, I learnt something new about the world that they had created and the refreshing characters that lived in it. So, congratulations  Bob Tanner,  I believe that your story will inspire many in the literary world and I am so happy that I have had a chance to discover you and your writing. Please send me your info at competitions@kiagarriques.com to claim your prize of £65.00 (to find out more about what you win pls click here). 


So, that is it... for the competition! Thank you all for your understanding and patience with every detail. As all of you know, this was my first competition and things might have not gone smoothly on every occasion. But, all of you still stuck by me and so for that, I will always be grateful. Remember that I always want to know what you’ll are doing. So don’t be afraid to message me on Wattpad even after this competition as I am always interested in listening to what you have to say.

As well of all of you, I would like to thank my fantastic judges, (with special thanks to Emmy and Tara Sampson) who went through this difficult process of choosing the winner for this competition. They were all different in character and so I really appreciated having different views on why certain stories should go further in the competition. And it was fun working with them as we were all determined to that our next unpublished star of Wattpad. All of them took time out of their own busy lives to help me with the competition and I hope we will continue to work together in the future.

Lots of Love

Kia xx

In the order that they were chosen by the judges, the third, fourth and the fifth place goes to:

1st Place: Memoirs of an Outlaw: Life in the Sandbox – Bob Tanner

2nd Place: Dragon’s Treasure – Maya_2011

Congratulations to the winner!!! and  a special thank you to my Judges for their hard work and for sticking with me, so that we can deliver xxx

Here are the judges’ comments:

Memoirs of an Outlaw: Life in the Sandbox – Bob Tanner:

I couldn’t pull myself away from this story. The author has done a phenomenal job in weaving together a very much real and occurring day-to-day happening in the present day. This novel truly puts in perspective the horrors of what war is truly like. You are irrevocably swept into this riveting, action-riddled plot with an increasing eagerness to read more. I believe it is a truly authentic with believable characters. The concept is solid and the terminology throughout the novel is sufficiently implemented. The author has undeniable talent worth recognizing. A truly articulate masterpiece.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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'Unpublished Gem of Wattpad' Leader Board -March 10, 2013Where stories live. Discover now