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The screams of loud, restless children echoed in my head. I was so sick of taking the bus to and from school. I tried to ignore my frustration with my music turned up to full volume, I sighed and closed my eyes, picturing what life would be like if I could go back and fix all my mistakes. I felt the bus heave as it attempted to come to a stop in such a hurry, the old doors opened with a loud screech we all were used to and I felt a dip in the seat next to me. "Hey" Damen said with his usual pep. Not feeling like the every day patterned conversation, I gave him a weak smile, instead of ignoring him completely. "Jamie, what's wrong?" He said in his frequent worrying tone. I internally rolled my eyes (not wanting to come off rude). Damen was a nice, genuine dude, but he just becomes so bothersome having to deal with him everyday. "I'm fine damen, but thank you for asking." I murmured, finally looking him in his pale blue eyes.

Damen was an interesting character. He was quite tall and developed for a sixteen year old, but was quite cocky about it, which lead to lot of people disliking him. He had strawberry blonde hair, and cream white skin. Some would call him quite handsome, but unfortunately I wasn't apart of that some. I remember him a quite opinionated boy who loved sharing stories about his personal life and raving about old movies.

"Are you being passive?" He asked as if his life depended on it. Knowing that he wouldn't give up until I talked to him, I took out my headphones and turned to him. "No, Damen, I'm not being passive, I am fine." I told him. "Okay, so what are you doing tonight?" Back to small talk, I should've stuck with the music. "Well, it's Friday night, so Ill lye on the couch, counting the hairs on my head." I said, hoping he sensed the sarcasm. I hated going out on Friday night, unless I was staying with a close friend or something, my bed was my safe haven. "Wow. Really? You don't do anything on Friday night." He raised his eyebrows at me. "Is it really that astonishing to you? I'm only sixteen. I have....homework." I stated, feeling a bit judged. "Okay, your right I'm sorry." He said, clearly giving up on the conversation by putting his headphones on and resting his forehead agaisnt the seat in front of us. Secretly relieved, I put my headphones back in and soon enough we had arrived. School. Heaven or hell? We'll never know.

I hopped off the bus, thanking the driver and zipping up my oversized jacket, attempting to hide myself from such a cruel place. I walked through the halls painted with me memories from years ago, I passed people who I used to trust with my life, and I honestly still did, but they didn't trust me. I walked past my ex boyfriend, and my ex best friend, they stopped laughing when they saw me. Feeling alone, I tried to walk faster but my short legs were going no where. My feet had frozen and my cheeks had reddened. I opened my mouth to take a deep breath but I apparently forgot how to close it. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. I looked down at my feet and marched on wanting to be invisible. Refusing to look up, I barged into someone. Quick to apologise, I saw who it was. "I'm sorry Layla" I stepped back awkwardly and sent her a tired smile.

Layla. My other ex best friend. I'll tell you the story. Our parents met in college and became friends instantly, they moved to Holmes Chapel and started a family. Layla and I had known each other since we were born, or we didn't remember a time with out each other. Naturally, we became best friends instantly and we would talk every weekend at church, that was until I moved to her school six years ago and we became closer than ever. We were Layla and Jamie. Jamie and Layla. Everyone knew us as two and one. Joined at the hip. Where Layla was, I was. Where I was, Layla was. Each year we would transition into different cliques. Last year, we became best friends with Steph, the other "ex best friend" the three of us were so close. I'm happy to say it was the best friendship I've ever had, but I messed up, and Steph decided she didn't want me in her life any more and as Layla became more and more fond of Steph, we drifted and she no longer cares for our friendship. Even after sixteen years.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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