unzip your skin

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'Huh, kinda makes sense actually.' Ola muses, looking deep in thought as she fiddles with her phone. Adam peers through the window, casting quick glances at Ola who still has a faraway look in her face. 'It doesn't make sense to me.'

It didn't, actually. It's stupid, labels are stupid and confusing. You're either gay or straight, that's fucking it. Right?

With one long stride, he snatches Ola's phone from her hands. 'Let me try that,' Adam mutters. He ignores her indignant, 'Hey!' and refreshes the page. He waits for the test to load, and when it did the question, What is my sexuality? pops out. He furrows his brows at it, mouth thinning as he reads the description:

This is a short quiz to help you determine how you identify sexually. Your result can either be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual or asexual. While only you can know your definitive answer, which might change over time, this quiz will help you look more deeply and clearly at your sexuality. Keep in mind that you need to answer as honestly as possible.

Well, Adam knows only two of those terms. Three now actually, since Ola took the quiz and got pansexual. He presses Start the quiz and gets started. He can feel Ola breathing down his neck but she thankfully stays quiet and didn't protest any more. The first question asks which sex has he been attracted been in the past. Instinctively, he almost clicks on the Opposite sex option but he stops himself because that certainly wouldn't be true at all. His mind drifts back to when he was fourteen-years-old, having just discovered his mum's dirty magazines. Pictures of men—oiled men in every colour—some of them close enough to touch. He remembers flipping through the pages all night, his eyes obsessively taking in every skin that is bare. He remembers how it stirred heat deep in his belly, and how it spread from there to his back, and to the back of his neck, and finally, until it consumed his whole face.

Adam tentatively checks Both. He moves on to the next question.

Which sex do you find more physically attractive?

On one hand, Aimee Gibbs has certainly been one of the hottest girls in school, and being hot in Moordale High is as rare as a unicorn at the end of a rainbow near a pot of gold. And she had great tits, which is always an added bonus. She also let anything happen during sex happen which was... great. What else? She had great... elbows. Adam had been genuinely happy with her, and she's the first person he could almost see himself falling in love with. Almost. On the other hand, there is... Eric.

Eric with his unbelievably soft and smooth skin. Eric and his snow-white smile. Eric and his strong legs, and toned thighs, which Adam's gaze always seem to be glued at during PE class. Eric looks great— there, he admits it—He always looks great, and Adam won't admit that to anyone but himself. He certainly won't admit that to Eric. He looks even better nowadays. More radiant, alive and always close enough to touch. Their late-night rendezvous are still going on, and Adam always looks forward to them. Sometimes they don't smash stuff at all, just sit closely together and... talk. And kiss. They kiss and kiss and kiss, memorizing the feeling of each other's lips, breathing in each other's breath. It's refreshing; having someone who actually accepts the bullshit he has to offer. He's never felt more alive whenever he's with him.

But it's not just Eric. He's always noticed guys since well, forever. Now that he thinks about it, he always enjoys looking at everyone for as long as he can remember. Girls in tank tops with their tits almost out. Guys in their swimming trunks in the pool. Anything goes really.

Adam chooses the option that says I find them equally attractive. He hears Ola lets out a surprise exhale from behind him. Adam ignores her. He scrolls down to the next question.

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