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Annie's PoV
I wake up and get dress, I realize my friends have something to tell me, am I excited? No. I'm never excited for what they have to say! It's always garbage or boring. Hopefully it's something good. I did hear that there is a new neighbor moving in, next to my house yeah.. that old creepy house that no one ever goes to on Halloween. People think witches live there. Or vampires. Me and my friends are apparently going there next week. Yeah next week is the big 31 ... Halloween! I'm kinda excited. But i am not excited for going to that house, it's not even fun to begin with, anyways yeah.
Annie ties downstairs
Annie's mom: morning Annie
Annie: morning mom, what's for breakfast?
Annie's mom: pancakes and bacon.
Annie's PoV
I lick my lips, that's my favorite breakfast. I do like hash browns but I like this breakfast more better and it's more tastier ...
I finally finish and head out to school
Kenzie: Hey Annie!
Jayden: Kenzie! slow down, we can't tell her exactly as she gets in the door.
Kenzie: yeah right..
Annie: hey girls?
Annie: I know that.

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