Not to Marry

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Evan's POV

"Evan, really?", I heard my brother say. "Spacing out on me again?"

I blinked. "Sorry, Ty. Just can't believe dad expects me to marry that tramp."

He gave me a sympathetic look. He had met Clarissa and he knew my pain well. He was so lucky to have been born second. That girl was the devil herself. That was only a slight exaggeration.

"Anyway, what were you saying?"

"I was telling you about Josh, you know, my boyfriend", Tyler said, giving me that look. The one that told me that I had met him and he expected me to know who he was and he would stop talking to me if I didn't. Thankfully, I knew him. Hell, everyone knew him. He was the school's male slut.

"What happened?", I tried to be sympathetic. This was my brother I was talking to, after all.

"Remember how I thought he cheated?" Yea, that boy had even tried to hook up with me while my brother was asleep. Who did that? I nodded and gestured for him to go on. "Well, turns out I was right. I wanted to break up, but he wouldn't have it. I don't know what to do."

"Coming from me, it's going to be insensitive, but that's not what we're going for. The way I see it you can either just, you know, stop talking to him at all and let me handle it or try to tell him in front of a few people so he won't be able to try anything. That would make him look pathetic and you know how he's all about his image, right?", I had plenty of experience dealing with boyfriends of his or my friends' girlfriends when they just wouldn't accept that they were over. For some reasons all the girls - or guys in Ty's case - they dated were really clingy. And I was always the one to break it to them. What can I say? I'm just a charmer.

"As much as I'd like to let you deal with it, I'll try the latter. It's kind of sad that he thinks I'll stay with him when he cheated...", he trailed off and I parked the car on my usual spot.

We were here. Senior year had begun.

I sat there, listening to my brother rambling about his ex, wondering if I'd ever felt this mixed about going to school. It was my last year of freedom, so to speak of. Well, not exactly, but after school there was the big wide world that would crush me like a bug if I wasn't careful.

"Let's go, Ty", I interrupted him and got out of my car.

We walked towards the entrance, already surrounded with girls that wore skirts that were too short and tops that were too low cut to be attractive anymore. Did they not know that it was much nicer to leave things to imagination? I, for one liked a girl that wasn't too easy. I liked a challenge. But, to be honest none of the girls attending the school were a challenge anymore. Not to me, anyways.

I was ripped out of my thoughts when someone slapped my back. I turned to see it was Declan, my best mate. "Hey, Evan, how's it going?"

"Hey, Dec", I smiled and we did that half hug, half handshake thing. "How was Italy?", I asked.

"Seriously man, it was heaven!", he grinned and we made our way to our lockers that were right next to each other.

"Met someone?", I asked and already knew the answer.

"If you mean plural, sure", he laughed and I rolled my eyes. Wouldn't have thought otherwise.

"So Ty is about to make it clear to Josh that he broke up with him", I changed the subject as I noticed them across the hallway.

"It's about time. I was wondering how long he'd let it slide."

"Yea I know, but what can you do? Ty's just too nice for his own good."

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