Pain in Break-ups

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Why do we love love even if we get to experience pain alongside it? Loving, they say is a gamble, a package of surprises. At one point you two were at your most happy and at one point, you get to be at your most lowest. It's not an easy experience. The emotional turmoil you'll go through is a very difficult process to experience. You'll go through days, weeks, even years just to get over something or someone. It's psychologically disturbing and depressing. We cry buckets and buckets of tears until we ran out of it. But even with that, we still feel the pain and the experience we went through.

Going through a break-up is a very unpredictable journey. You don't know where or when you'll reach your destination. You just walk through it until you see the finish line. You'll stumble and fall, but with a strong will and heart, you'll get up and pick yourself up. I sometimes wonder why we go through so much pain even though you've been so good all the time. My friends told me, "You'll go through hell, you'll cry, you'll be in pain, but always remember, God will never give you anything impossible.", "Don't worry, everything has a reason." Yes. Everything has a reason but we sometimes don't get it at first, especially if the breakup is as fresh as a baby. The wisdoms of people around us will never process that easily, even if it's the most striking one. We go through pain because we wanted to feel it, feed it with sorrows, we submit to it, but, when you start to welcome freedom in your heart, you'll start to realize things and free yourself from the chains of pain. Then you'll move on? No. It will never that easy - especially if the love was so so strong and real. The recipe of moving on is unknown because getting over something is different from every individual. One process I managed to put together is pain - processing of pain - realizations - freeing of oneself - recovery - acceptance (will explain in later blogs).Let yourself submit to pain even how hard it is because if you let yourself to the process, everything will flow into place. Trust yourself, trust your heart and trust God in all things that you do. And if you did follow your process, you'll be a better version of yourself and to the next partner you'll be with. Just enjoy the ride, even if it pains you.

Pain in BreakupsWhere stories live. Discover now