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the year of heartbreak for black americans
the year when the people were made to protect us failed.
the year when eric garner couldn't breathe,
& the year where mike brown made headlines.

the year of countless protests,
the year of limitless tears rolling down cheeks.
the year when blacks and whites alike agreed,
"we gotta do something about this"
[at least, the ones that understood the frustration]

the year when images started to resemble the civil rights movement
and people had to be reminded that black lives indeed matter
like it already wasn't a no-brainer

this year was about race
this year was about young black men
this year was about the media depicted my brothers menaces to society,
instead of members of society.

we're people, too
black lives matter
black men's lives matter
so do black women's
and black LGBTQI

why are we required to prove that?


although it's the first day, is it wrong for a young black person to hope for more?
will this insanity end or get worst?
will 2015 be the year of the black?
or a repeat of the brutal year before?

so many unanswered questions.

dear 2015,
i just want a better america
for my young black sisters
and brothers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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