Fixing my mistake

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“Damn what happened last night Sky?” I said with Alcohol smelling breath plus a nasty hangover.

 “I don’t know all I remember was you and Jake hooked up last night. Wait how did we get on your bed?” Sky said with a Sore throat and a nasty hangover too and confused

“What? I hooked up with who?” I said practically screaming at a person who really doesn’t listen very well when having a hangover.

 “JAKE you bitch…You hooked up with Jake. What yo mama teach you?” Sky said irritated.

“But I couldn’t have hooked up with him I have a BF remember Jose? I said breaking out in tears. “Wait a second does Jose know this?”  I said with a big frown on my face.

 “Yes he does I think he was at the party” Sky said like she was about to throw up on me.

“Whoa Princess no throwing up on my bed we have a…Aw shit Sky now look what you did” I said disappointed.

“Sorry Rose I had to it wasn’t going to wait all day” Sky said feeling better than before.  

“It’s fine it just need 50 cans of air freshener and some new sheets” I said yawning my ass off

"But Rose i think Jose know's after he saw you and Jake you know in the Zone he ran to me and said when Rose gets out tell her were done and he ran out with a tear running down his cheek" Sky said with incredibale detail

"So like you can remember that but you can't remeber how we got here?" I said confused

"Yep pretty much Girly" Sky said defensivly

"Wow you hit rock bottom Sky" I said suprised

"Ah at least i kept my virginty in middle school" Sky said very angry

"Shut up...It was Adan's fucking fault he just did it and don't remind me of that shit anyway my mom still thinks i'm a virgin" I said quietly

"Wait what...What about the docter's?" Sky said quietly

"Ummm she don't go in there with me i say Mom it's my lady parts appontiment not yours." I said very frustrated

"Wow Lady Parts my mom already knows i'm not a virgin she knew when i lost my virginity" Sky said very happy

"Not somthing to be proud of Sky" I said wierdly

"Oh Shit here it comes ummm bye" Sky said rushing to the bathroom

"At least you made it Sky i posting that on Facebook" I said screaming and laughing

" ROSE noooo Jace is going to check your status Damn" Sky said throwing up in the middle of her sentance

"Ummm it already happened and i already got 2 likes ohh wait 3 likes" I said Smiley

"Fuck you Rose when i come out i'm going to post a new status about you!" Sky said screaming her lungs out

"Oh Fuck it already happened...Jose updated his status and unfriended me his not in a relationship" I said sadly and droopy

"Oh Fuck Rose your screwed you know at least 20 girls in our school are crushing over Jose?" Sky said coming out of the bathroom with minty freash breath

" I know and he didn't cheat on me with one of those girls" I said sad

"Oh just to let you know i used your toothbrush umm i don't think you wanna use that thing anymore" Sky said worried

"Fuck You Sky well can't live without a toothbrush let's go to the store" I said rushing to my dresser

"Okay let i'm going to causally crawl out your window and throw some cloths on then causally crawl back in about 15 minutes later...K. Sky said already half out of my window

"Okay Sky see you in a bit" I said with my pajamas half off

I just through on my ripped skinny jeans and a batman t-shirt i put my Hightop vans on and my Northface hoodie. I regularly sleep in Jose's Vans hoodie and i'm keeping it. Well Hi there i'm Roseily Waters but my bestie who lives right across from me is Skyler White but i call her Sky. Oh and you can call be Rose that's what everyone else calls me. My i guess EX Jose lives about 3 houses down from Sky and we see him all the time...Well not anymore i ruined it for us. As i was grabbing my car keys Sky came in with her Purple Skinny Jeans and her Black nike's with a Obey Hoodie...

"Ready Rose?" Sky said ready as ever

"Umm you sure Sky you look likr your about to puke your brains out." I said concrned and half out of my door

"Yeah i'm sure bitch i'll just through up ummm outside our out your window i guess." Sky said dizzy and irratated

"Kk let's go to the store Sky" I said happy

At The Store!!

"Umm What we come for again?" I said confused

"A new toothbrush cos' my puke infested breath and mouth tampered with your other toothbrush" Sky said walking around funny

"Awh Yeah ok that's in the hygine isle" I said looking around

"Fuck there's Jose duck down Rose!" Sky Said pushing my head down

"WHAT?!?! Shit Bye" I said running outta of the isle

"WTF? Rose his right there!!"Sky said screaming

"Bye Sky G2G" I said sarcaticly and serouis at the same time

"Ugh Come here bitch" Sky said Mad

"Fine But...Oh shit his right there" I said scared

"Fuck! Umm pretend to be looking at umm here jackets!" Sky said fast turning me in the direction of the jackets

"Ok?" I said nervous

"Oh HEY Sky and Oh Nvm Hi Sky" Jose said worrid

"Hey Jose" Sky said calmly

"What you doin hear?" Jose said suprised

"Oh Umm gettin Rose stuff with Rose" Sky said with no worrys

"Oh Kewl well Bye Sky" Jose said turning away

"Bye?" Sky said confused cos' he was turning to the snowglobes

"Nice One Sky I love you more now!?" I said sarcasticly

"Ahh Bitch i had to stall so you could just act like nothing happened" Sky said confused by her own words

"Oh Fuck Sky text you later!" Jose said screaming across the isle

"OK" sky said screaming back

"Wtf Sky?" I said confused

"Oh just cos' youb and him broke up doesn't mean i have to stop being freinds with him!" Sky said all calm

"Oh Fuck Sky!" I said frustrated

"YOLO i need to live my life!" Sky said explaning

"You already lost you virginty so you lived your life pretty much!" I said all funny

"You lost your virginity too!!"Sky said All talkin back

"Oh Fuck i did!" I said just remembering my innocence gettin taken away

"Oh Yeah bitch remembering things like that" Sky said mocking me

"Oh HEEELLLL No bitch no mocking to your mama" I said like a ghetto chick

"Bitch Swerve" Sky said with her ghetto hand movements

"Fuck You Bitch i'll just go wit my Nigga if i can't trust you" I


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2012 ⏰

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