Prologue: The Avatar's Awaking

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[A/N: Hi! Thanks for reading! I'd also like to say this is a sequel to Avatar Gyawa, ok thanks!]

My real name is Dede Cupher, But the world of Avatar which I got sucked into knew me as Gyawa.

I was the bridge between worlds, the player character, the protagonist, the heroine, the Avatar— need I explain more?

But later I would also be known as Takumi the Southern Water Tribe Avatar.

I got admit I was surprised. I thought it was all over, I got what I wanted. The only thing I missed as well... everything.

I died pretty young, 50 something. After being the avatar for so long I was super freakin tired. I just wanted to cuddle with Zuko and watch Netflix. Nothing more.

But that's not what happened, what did was I had cramps the size of the universe when I woke up.

Except I wasn't old, I was young. Too young. Like 12 or something.

I looked down in panic, 'What in all of Deadpool is happening?!' I screamed internally. I was the Avatar sure but that didn't mean actually being reborn!!

Is this how Ravva felt? I wonder how did she make it?

I looked down to see I was water tribe, the blue screamed it not to mention it was colder than winter ten out there!

I was in a small - and I mean a small hut.

I grabbed the coat tighter, before heating myself up with fire bending and walking out to see I was in the southern water tribe.

I knew the place well. Tsk I knew this world like the back of my hand.

There were sure a lot of huddles going about. A lot of homeless people running around.

Suddenly a woman grabbed me by the wrist, out of surprise I jumped back and looked up. Damn humans were giants. How did I ever live as a child?!?

I looked up to see a woman with wrinkles, white hair, and shaking in the cold. I almost gasped, realizing this old lady was my mother.

I swear this had to be the weirdest feeling, having meteorites out in my head. It was something I never questioned yet still also freaked out over.

"Takumi, you can't run around right now, you know how dangerous it is out at night." She said in a weak voice.

was this woman about to die? Man, I feel back for the tragic back story people.

I stepped closer and earth bended some dry earth, grabbed a small rag, and lit it on fire for her to get warm.

She watched in amazement.

It was a lot weaker than I remembered, probably because I was still 12 or maybe because I excellent with bending as Gyawa.

Yet I was 12 I didn't get it.

"How did you—!??" She gasped.

"I don't know." I shrugged, trying to play it off as an accident. They were gonna find out soon enough.


4 hours after she told every homeless guy we knew that I was the Avatar we finally went to get something to eat.

There was a super long line, and I could barely see anything, but I heard some men fighting over reasons.

Poor people, as Gyawa I did hardly anything for the homeless, at least it felt that way.

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