One Step at a Time

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~~~~~Dedicated for my amazingly awesome book cover :D~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter One

My life is not the most normal you would come across, I mean I have ten siblings, eight of them are brothers, the other two are my super genius, little twin sisters.  Everyone in my family has a talent; some are good at sports, others good at studies, some really good at public speaking, while I am good at nothing, well nothing that any one sees can get me anywhere in life.  Don’t get me wrong I am not some self obsessed emo girl who trys to kill herself every second I get, but I am just not like the rest of my sort of perfect family.

"Colby come downstairs and set the table!" My mom yells at me from the bottom of the stairs, all I do is sigh and get up off my little window seat that I was sitting in.   I walk down the long hallway, that is filled with doors and walk down the stairs feeling slightly sad.  Why do I have to be the only one in my family with nothing special about me?

I set seven places, most of my siblings are moved out, all that is left is my mom, dad, Elri and Williminia(the youngest twins), Jack my twin brother and then of course me and then Jacks best friend Henry. 

Jack and Henry both do most sports the school offers together and are always trying to compete against each other.  I don’t really know when Jack and Henry started being friends, Henry just showed up one day and never really left.

I put two fingers to both sides of my head trying to rub out my migraine but it really doesn’t help. I sit down at my usual spot, on the right of my dad and on the left of Jack, waiting for everyone to come in.  Soon as I wish it be, everyone files in, nothing new, it’s just exactly like dinner should be.  We eat our meat loaf with silent chatter until it’s done then we do our normal jobs, I put food away, then the boys do the dishes and the girls study.

After dinner is all put away I start to head up to my room, but I'm stopped by my mom.  "Colby, I need you to run to the store and pick up a few thing, the Meyers are coming over for dessert and I completely forgot."  Oh the Meyers, they come over once a week for pleasant conversation and try to get me and their son Riley to date, then get married, then have a perfect family, I mean they have everything all planed out.

"No problem Mom, let me go grab my jacket and scarf and I will head right on out." I smile at my mom and she smiles back, her perfect white teeth eluminating her beautiful face.  When my mom was young she used to be a model, then she met my dad, an already wealthy tycoon and they fell in love and settled down having a whopping total of eleven kids.

I run up the stairs and grab a green cashmere scarf and my green sweater, then back down the stairs and I go and into the garage.  I start up my black 97 thunder bird and drive the ten minutes into town to get the stupid ice cream, in the middle of winter, in Montana, while its snowing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2012 ⏰

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