Chapter 6: Roommates

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A/N: This may or may not involve Skylox

Me and Mitch were walking to our dorms talking when my roommate, Adam, walks up.

Adam: Hey Jerome, who's your friend?

Jerome: Hi Adam, meet Mitch we were just out on a date.

Adam: Nice! Anyways, see you later.

Jerome: Bye!

Mitch: Who was that Jerome?

Jerome: That was my roommate, Adam.

Mitch: I think maybe we and our roommates should go out to get Chinese food.

Jerome: Yeah! Sounds like a great idea! I'll tell Adam.

Mitch: And I'll tell my roommate, Ty!

Jerome: See you in the morning, Mitch!

Mitch: See you in the morning!


As I said, may or may NOT have Skylox.

But, I promise they will be in the next two chapters maybe, IDK.

-Green Neon Signing out! (I will still do that even if this is an alt account.)

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