[1:1] The Fae Have Arrived

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"Winter is not a season, it's a celebration"

-Anamika Mishra

Snow fell in sheets and hail rained from the sky, painting the city crystal white. Winds howled and the world was dark. But that's not what was terrifying.

The true horror of it all was the laughter. It echoed throughout the tormented city, mocking the people who lived within in it.

I listened and shook slightly as I sat against my bedroom wall, waiting for the storm to pass.

Why does winter have to exist anyways? Autumn is cold enough isn't it? I just don't see the point in freezing and thawing the world over and over again. Can't we just stay in spring? Summer maybe? Just get rid of winter and let the world be warm in an eternal bliss.

I guess...

I shivered as a breeze slipped through the cracks in the walls.

Stupid cheep apartment walls...

See. This is why winter shouldn't exist it's cold and miserable and-

And lonely.

Haha... No matter how you look at it, I'm always alone aren't I?

I smile to myself for a second before shivering again.

I don't have any blankets, just towels and I'd rather not use the towels because then I'll have to pay with money I don't have to get them washed.

I sigh, slumping against the wall, shivering.

Besides that, rent will be due soon too... I'll have to start working extra hours as well. Too bad I couldn't get a scholarship.

A sudden creaking sound comes from my kitchen and I start back upright.

Please don't tell me the drying rack fell down again. I can't pay to get it fixed a second time.

Hurriedly, I stand up and make my way over to the kitchen.

What I see makes my jaw go slack in surprise and gut-wrenching horror.

One of the windows had swung inwards due to the wind. Snow and ice covered my kitchen floor in it's disgusting cold chill.

But that was probably the least of my worries.

My horror faded and slowly started to change into concern as I continued to stare at the thing sitting on my floor.

More specifically the guy who looked my age wincing in pain on the floor.

What stood out about wasn't his facial features or anything like that. It was what he was.

He had extremely pale skin like snow, and his hair was a pretty light blue that no hair dye could get you. His eyes were colored like crystal, almost. The way they shone and sparkled would make you think he got holographic glitter stuck in his eyes.

"Um... Hey. You're, uh, kind of in my kitchen. Could you please leave?", I asked.

He looked up at the sound of my voice and started. The blue haired boy looked at me, bewildered for a second. His eyes seemed to refocus and he shot to his feet, wincing.

I jumped back, slightly afraid and wary. After all, he could be one of the psychopath killers for all I know.

He smiled sheepishly at me, and coughed into his hand clearing his throat.

"Oh. Sorry about that. Um, I can't exactly leave though." He speaks. "I'm Haruki by the way, but you can call me Haru for short."

He then looks at me and chuckles, covering his face. I don't understand why he's laughing until I realized he was making fun of my height. (;-;)

I huff and look away.

Then I remember something he said.

"Wait- what do you mean you CAN'T LEAVE?!"

He really is a killer isn't he!!!

"Haha! Well, when fae, or more specifically in my case, Winter Sprites, enter someone else's home uninvited, we are bound to stay here until the owner actually does say we're allowed in here.", He explains.

Wait. WHAT.

"I'm sorry, but you're a what???"

"A Winter Sprite. Could you not hear me? Pfft- I wouldn't be surprised since you're so far down."

"I- now that's just mean. Also, GET OUT.", I demanded, pointing to my door.

"No. I can't. I just told you that didn't I?"

"No, yes, maybe, probably, possibly, perhaps-"

"... You know. I wasn't really asking."

"Shut up and leave."

"Again, no. I can't. Not until you say I'm welcome here."

"What? Fine, I deem you welcome in my humble abode. There, happy?", I say sarcastically.

"No.", Haruki replies, rolling his eyes.

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean, you have to say it like you mean it!"

"Okay, okay, I'll try. Okay, I, Dawn Springwalker, welcome you in my home."

The blue haired boy groans, whisking his hand through his hair.

"Look. I don't think you understand. You have to say it sincerely!"

"I did say it sincerely!"

"No, you didn't! If you did then I'd be able to sense the mana in the air!"

"I don't even know what that is!!"

"Ahhh, you're so frustrating! Why won't you just accept me into your house!"

"Because I honestly just can't okay! I don't know you, or anything about you! I can't just let some stranger walk into my house!"

"Yes you can!"

"No. I can't."

Haruki seems to give up by then, sighing and slumping back to floor.

"At this rate I'll be stuck here forever...", he mutters.

That's when I notice the blood.


Hope it's okay so far! If you have any tips of ideas you'd like me to add to it, feel free to comment!

Also, these characters are not mine. They're Aiko-10-Pancakes's/AikoSaint's. She's letting me use them for this story :3

Anyways, I'll try to update when I can, but for now, so long and have a great day!

(Sorry it's short >^<)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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