Chapter One :3

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Hey guys :3 so I /may/ have not gotten on here in months... Oops. Anyways, I will keep the stories I have on here, but the ones before this new one will not be continued. Sorry if any of you liked them .-. But here is this one ^-^


*Aleks' POV*

I moaned louder and louder as Eddie thrusted into me, hitting my soft spot everytime.

"E-Eddie I'm c-close" I could feel myself about to burst.

"Me.. Too.." Eddie started going faster, bringing me closer and closer.

Eddie reached and started stroking my erection in time with his thrusts.

"Fuck... Eddie!" I moaned, shooting a huge load onto our- BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP

"Ugh... what the fuck?!" I loked down to see a giant mess. "Great, another fucking (pun intended c; ) wet dream."

I quickly stripped out of my now dirty boxers and headed towards the bathroom, taking a second to look at the clock.

8:23, I have about an hour and a half to get ready before Eddie comes to pick me up... I thought to myself as I turned on the water and stepped into the shower. After washing myself I picked out some clothes to wear. I decided on a Stuck In Your Radio t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a beanie.

9:47... Oh god its almost time. Damn it why the fuck do I get butterflies whenever we hang out? And those dreams... No Aleks, stop. You are straight. Eddie is straight. You two are just friends, and thats all you will ever be. (or is it?)

Everytime. Every single time Eddie and I plan something I have to give myself this peptalk. I have had to do it ever since hichschool, and now here I am still doing it. The only difference is now my only income is from Youtube videos and a job at a coffee shop I hate; You really made it far Aleks.

I quickly shook these thoughts from my head and tried to focus on finishing getting ready.

*Eddies POV*

I pulled up to Aleks' house and texted him.

'Hey, I'm here c:"

Almost instantly after I pressed send, Aleks came bolting out of his front door. I giggled as he struggled to get my car door open, making me open it for him.

"Hey dude." He said, smiling. For a second I could have sworn he was blushing. I shook my head, still giggling, and started driving to my house.


So what did you guys think o: ? Make sure you leave comments, it really does help me get motivated ^^ And I will try to update this story and keep it going unlike the others ;-; I know I have said that before but I mean it this time T-T But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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