I'll find you anywhere in the universe

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"I got a boyfriend, he's here." She said, startling both her father and him

"You looked good in the navy uniform." Her beautifully radiate face appeared in front of him, as if she was right there with him.

"We haven't just reached our destination yet." She said, laying beside him in a hospital bed.

"I love you."

"Tell me you'll come back. That's the tenth rule. No matter what happens, you have to come back."

He had flashbacks of her, of every moment he spent with her. Every moment he was engrossed in memorizing the details of her beautiful face. Every moment he felt his heart was going to explode when she was around. Every moment he felt complete just by being with her and knowing she existed.

"Is she here? The reason why I'm alive." Lee Gon stood tall in front of the barrier he was going to cross.

I will open every door in the universe and I promise I will return to you. No matter how many or how long it takes, I will look anywhere in this world for you. Anywhere, any universe. I will find you and I will go to you, Jung Tae Eul.

Countless universes, countless doors. At times he was not even aware of what time or which day it was. All he knew was that he had to get to her. He had to find that door, that universe and go to Tae Eul.

Another universe, the same address, the same house. He felt the air grow thick, his heart was beating rapidly as she walked towards him. He tried to calm himself before speaking.

"Who might you be?" She said, clad in a navy officer's uniform. "How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for someone, but it seems like she's not in this world." Lee Gon replied, his heart aching for Tae Eul.

"Alright then." She nodded her head and walked away.

He fiddled with the bouquet of flowers he had been clinging onto. He hoisted himself up onto Maximus and they made their way to the bamboo forest, to another universe.

She was not at home, he waited in the front yard. His heart grew with hope every second. Maybe she was at an undercover assignment, perhaps she was monitoring a case and spent the whole day at the precinct?

Could it be......

"Can I help you?" the lady in ARMY uniform asked nonchalantly, putting her hands in her pockets, looking at Lee Gon with little to no interest.

"Even here, you're busy protecting someone" Lee Gon looked down at the bouquet of flowers, the only physical attribute that seemed to be holding him from breaking apart.

It was late, and a van pulled up in front of her house, she stumbled out of the van in a simple white dress that only emphasized her simple yet stunning beauty. Jung Tae Ra. She seems to be an award-winning and loved actress. She's extremely happy. Excited even.

"These flowers are not for you." He said firmly, his voice deep and pleasant to the ears.

"I can't believe what I just heard. Why aren't they for me? I'm Jung Tae Ra, the winner of the Grand Prize. I won the Grand Prize today." Tae Ra exclaimed emotionally as she smacked the bouquet of flowers in Hye Yeon's arms and started walking towards the entrance of her house.

His heart grew heavier, he slowly felt the walls around him crumble every universe he went to and it was not Jung Tae Eul. The Jung Tae Eul whom he promised his life to. But at least, even in this universe, she was happy. Tae Eul's counterpart was doing well.

This was his fourth universe and she was walking towards him, wearing a police officer's uniform. Someone called out her name before he got the chance to read her name tag "Jung Hyo Jin"

A middle-aged lady carrying bags of groceries walked towards her. "Omma."

Realization hit him and he felt his heart softened, "In this world, you're with your mother. I'm glad."

Her house seemed a little different, more decorated, and colorful. Maybe her father decided to decorate the house to change things up a little. He stood in front of her house with Maximus, hoping, desperately praying he would find Jung Tae Eul.

"Ya, Lee Ho! Lee Jun! Slow down." Her voice cut through the cold air.

Two little boys, preferably around the age of 4 and 6 came running into the property, followed by her. She was carrying a bag, clad in a simple coat that looked oddly similar to something Tae Eul would wear. She ran after the boys and caught them.

"Lee Ho, Lee Jun! I told you not to run like that across the road, didn't I? What if something happened to you?" She bent her knees and got on their level, reprimanding them sternly.

The way she spoke was so similar to how Tae Eul reprimanded him or Eun Sup.

Jung Tae Eul? Is it you? Did I finally find you?

"Yeo Jin-ah let them be, they're just kids." A man who looked very familiar walked in, carrying a baby in his arms.

Lee Gon took a step forward for a clearer look and he froze in shock, the man holding the baby was him. Except it wasn't him. It was his counterpart.

The baby seems to be fussing and the man started to talk to her in a high pitched and sweet voice, "my daughter, why why we are home. We will take a bath, play with the duckies, and go to bed." he kissed her cheeks, making her squeal in laughter.

"Tsk tsk, there's a reason why everyone called you a fool for our daughter. I can't believe you still want a fourth child." She shook her head at him

The man walked towards her and wrapped one arm around her and kissed her head, " Look at them, they are our miracles. How can I not want more children? They are so lovable."

"Ya Lee Hoon, I told you not to dream about having another child after our third, you better not try anything. Boys get inside." She said as she led them into the house. "Including you." she gestured at Lee Hoon to get inside.

Lost in their world, they did not notice Lee Gon nor his horse in front of their house. He did not realize he was crying until he felt the moisture on his cheeks.

Ahh so there is a universe, a universe where we live normally. Where we are married and we have children.

Three children, he laughed. He had to tell Tae Eul about this universe the moment he went back to her. A new surge of determination washed over him as he galloped back to the bamboo forest on Maximus. He was going to find it, he knew he would. Even if he had to tear apart every door, every universe he will go to Tae Eul. He will.

Nothing will keep us apart Jung Tae Eul. I'm opening every door in the universe and I promise I am returning to you. No matter how many or how long it takes, I am looking everywhere in this world for you. Anywhere, any universe. I am finding you and I am coming to you, Jung Tae Eul.


A/N: This is a prequel to other fanfic series, You're My End and My Beginning. I might write a chapter 2 for Jung Tae Eul's point of view. Thank you for reading, feedbacks are greatly loved & appreciated hehe :)

All rights reserved Copyright © mikrokosmos713 (previously cityoffandoms-yjn20), 2020.
Do not copy, repost, modify or translate any of my work without permission.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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