First Signs

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Touma could not focus on the lesson in front of him. His mind was still occupied on the events that happened yesterday. Jumping over a car in one leap, not to mention catching that baseball with one hand...

Lunch break came. He sat at a cafeteria table. His classmates and seat neighbors, Aogami and Tsuchimikado, were sitting across him, talking about something like... Maids? Ninjas? Dinogirls? Ninja Maid Dinogirls? He thinks to himself, "why am I associated with these two grievances?'

As Touma slushed around his food, he glanced at Fukiyose as she passed by, holding a bunch of food stuff on her hands. 'Man she really takes her diet very seriously,' he thought as he saw her food being nothing but an apple, an onigiri, and some yogurt, with an apple flavored yogurt drink on the side. He grabbed his spoon, and was about to eat his food-

She will slip...

He turned around to see her slipping on a spilled carton of tomato juice. In less than a infinitesimal blink of a nanosecond, he got up, caught her, caught her tray in midair, and caught the food items that were thrown in the air, onto the tray in the exact place they were on.

"Fukiyose are you ok?" He turned to Fukiyose, only to see her stare at him blankly. "...Fukiyose?"

"Eh? Ah yes I'm fine." Fukiyose said while picking herself off Touma. "I... guess I should thank you."

"You're welcome," Touma said, giving her her food tray.

Fukiyose then walks away. Touma sits down on his table and grabs his spoon.

"What the fuck?" Touma looks up to see both Aogami and Tsuchimikado, both with shock in their eyes. "How the hell did you do that?"

"Yeah, you just got up suddenly and caught her and her food. Like... are you a cyborg or something?"

"I don't know myself." Touma could only stare at his hand in disbelief.

After lunch when he and his two classmates were done eating, they went back on the classroom. The lesson right now was about geography, one of the few things Touma could admit to being quite decent at, which isn't telling much. Although he wasn't paying attention at the lesson. He was paying attention to his hand.

Or more specifically, the pen that inexplicably stuck to his right hand.

No matter how hard he tries to pull it, it stuck to him like a powerful magnet. He tried shaking his hand around, but not enough to disturb anybody. So, apart from his blue haired and sunglasses-wearing neighbors looking at him as if he's losing his mind, he spent 15 minutes trying to unstuck the pen from hand.

Until he decided to slam it on his desk.

3 things happened after that: 1. The entire class looked at his direction due to the noise he made. 2. The pen was still stuck to his hand, however the tip of the pen broke, causing ink to spill out everywhere on his desk. And 3...

His desk broke in half, as if a karate man came inside the classroom and chopped it.

Touma was dumbfounded, embarassed, and shocked by how these series of events turned out. He then got up and asked the teacher if he could go to the nurse's office.

After teach's approval, and the verbal chagrin of most of his male classmates, he left the room and went straight to the nurse's office.


He left the office early, due to being checked if he injured his hand after slamming his desk.

With shool hours finally over, everyone packed up and left. Touma was surprised, that none of his classmates mentioned the desk smashing that happened hours ago. 'Guess they've gotten used to crazy things,' he mused to himself.

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