She's Opinionated

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This is the account of a girl with a lot of questions, a lot of answers, and a ton of opinions.

You may disagree, gag, and/or not care about anything I say but the fact is you've got to read to find out don't you?

Any way I'll take topics from people if this gets even the tiniest bit popular but until then I'll have to come up with topics myself.

I was going to do a topic on the Election but decided that is too... opinionated and can upset people.

So the topic for now is Spongebob Yeah you read me, (get it, cause people say heard but I'm not actually talking to you....ha...), I said Spongebob.

I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only person who has realized that there is something seriously wrong with that television show. And it's for CHILDREN!

First: Spongebob lives in a Pineapple. Under the sea. Yet his house burns down?

Second: Spongebob and Patrick go to the beach, they almost drown. Star Fish, Sponge?

Third: Spongebob's parents are NOT cookies!!

4th: Crab + ??? = WHALE?!?! Kids ALREADY want to know where babies come from! Why confuse them further?

Fifth: I'm still not sure if Sandy is a Scientist or if she's an Astronaut. I mean she walks around in an Astronaut Suit all day! Plus the Episode where she goes into outer space. In her rocket. That we all just have lieing around.

Sixth: Squidward does not wear pants. So why does he try to cover his crotch when he looses his SHIRT!?

Seventh: At what point in Patrick's sad life did he decide, 'Hey man you know what? I think I want to make a house! Out of sand. With sand furniture. And a rock for a roof." Yeah man, GREAT plan.

Eighth: Mr. Crab's. Cheep as ... you know what.

Ninth: One Episode Spongebob found a penny and was all like, "That's more than I make in a whole year!" And then Mr. Crabs took it form him. So what I want to know is where the freak does Spongebob even get the stinking money to have a house, and a car, and a bunch of the SAME. EXACT. OUTFIT?

Tenth: Plankton... That guy has some serious mental issues. He can't let go. He's got trust issues. And he's a violent little stinker isn't he?

Do I even NEED to give you more proof that this show is crazy?! I mean I guess it's a good show in all and I halfheartedly feel kinda bad for saying it but it really doesn't make that much sense. Think about it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2012 ⏰

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